Friday, November 21, 2008

will be going to malaysia 4 two weeks but must tagged hor^^

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Holiday is now^^

Hello people..
it have been a long time since my last post..
2day first post in the holiday..
Lets say wat i do in the past few days..

23 of October..
Its the last day of sch^^
2day is the day 4 relasing the report book..
But i think my result will be okok
But not better then Ingyin^^
Ingyin is my good fren now
Caz things will never be the same with again..
Teacher give us alot of homework..
But 2 months holiday still ok with me..
When i first take a look at my report book,
I think the result still ok la..
Better than last time..
But the subject i got improve 1 is science..
Go out sch with Ingyin,Jess,Wen Xin and Elina 2 eat..
But in the end they wanted 2 go their house 2 go eat
So in the end i go home by myself..
Ingyin tell me finish homework than call her...
After that just do my normal things..
Watch tv n PLay com..
But still can sleep until very late..
That the good thing^^

24 of october
Friday do my normal things again..

25 of october
Go harmonica 2day
4 important meeting..
Tok about the holiday pratice
n also about the camp..
Then after that break..
Got 2 tok with some frens who i seldom c..
Then after that go in c they pratice
Walao i can only say 1 word..
So fast n nice!
But we go home at 12.30..
So me n Greta go walk around singapore
Like we usally did..
But this time we tok about our sad things..
First we go buy food first
Then after that we go sit at a place
But she say wan help me find handsome boys..
But i say dun1 caz hais sian..
So in the end tok about personal things
Lyk frens n the right man^^
She seems very sad nowadays..
But i think she will get over it..
So in the end find alot of place 2 tok
In the end she need 2 go home
So we market 2 buy food 4 his bro
but guess who we c?
Have a good time with her..
N also gert 2 noe her better..
But i noe c is very sad..

26 of october
Do the same things..
But c alot of nice shows..

27 of october
Do the same as always..
But c 1 show at 8 pm..
The show so sad lor..
Now then i noe my life is wonderful...

28 of october
Have the com 2 myself 2day...
Caz every1 at sch..
Then dunnoe wat 2 do so in the end do the same thing again
Watch tv n play com..

Friday, October 17, 2008


Do alot of wrong things 2day...
First thing:dig my shoe lance out of the toilet bowl..
Second thing:pour the rice all over the table..
2day stay back after sch with EiEi..
But be4 that go busstop with Ingyin..
Then she follow her frens..
Sorry Ingyin if i never help u..
Then go do self ascess..
Must do 14..
But after that finish
But EiEi never finish so go sit st bookshop outside..
Then saw Poi Wong n Valen..
So tok with them..
But after finish continue tok with EiEi
She very funny..
Sorry EiEi ah..
The story must cut short caz no time..
But if any 1 intersted go c EiEi blog..^^
But i only noe 1 thing..
I have fun with Ingyin n EiEi^^

Thursday, October 16, 2008


2day go sch then got the progamme about gambling..
But at first we watch the prince of Egypt..
Quite nice n also funny^^
Then after that got 1 progamme about gambling...
Watch 1 drama..
Then got 1 tok about gambling too...
Then go recess...
English lessons after that..
Teacher tell us the marks of the english paper..
Get 62marks..
Then chinese lesson..
Teacher never come
so in the end play true or dare
Then play with Ingyin,Joey,Pannu,Fiona and Winni..
Play until very fun..
Then Sam,Chee How n Queenie join in....
Play Play..
Then go down 4 the programme..
Win some sweets..
After that cme lessons...
Go out eat with Ingyin n Joey...
Go back sch do self acess
Do until 5 go home..
But raining..
Borrow umbrella from Jess(Thx)
Go home c 1 auntie dun have umbrella...
Then ask her share with me..
She thank me
Then i walk home..
2day i do a good deed^^!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Q1.The person that tag/pass me this is?
- Joey(1E6)
Q2.Your relationship with her is?
-My good fren
Q3.Your five expression of her/him?
- nice,kind,a good fren,gentle n friendly
Q4.The most memorable he/she have done for you is?
- She treat me as her best fren...
Q5.The most memorable thing she/he have said to you?
- "Gui Hong u r my best fren..."
Q6.If he/she become my lover you will?
- a...LOL..MAYBE?JKJK...^^
Q7.If he/she become my lover, thing she/he need to improve on?
- Love me more?
Q8.If he/she becomes your enemy, you will?
-Dun tok 2 her all the way..
Q9.If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be?
- She hate me or she really do something that upset me...
Q10.The most desired thing you wanna do for her/him is?
- Tell her 2 stay happy always^^
Q11. Your overall impression on her/him is?
- A very nice girl
Q12. How do you think the people around you feel for you?
- I am Qin Shi Huang daughter^^
Q13.The characters i love myself are?
- I also dunnoe.. maybe dun have or everything?
Q14.On the countary, what are the characters i hate about myself?
- Not able 2 find a "boy" n a best best fren...
Q15.The most ideal person you wan to be is?
- Treat me very well n can tahan my feeling very well..
Q16.For ppl tht love, care and concern you, you say smth tuh thm?
- Love u guys n thx 4 everything^^
Q17.Pass tis quiz to 10 ppl that uu wan to knw hw they tink of you, they are?
1) Ingyin
2) Joey
3) EiEi
4) Boon Ling
5) Fiona
6) Winni
7) Sam
8) Chee How
9) Hafiz
10) Adillah
Q18.Who is no.6 hving rship with?
- NO PEOPLE.. 9 is male or female?
- Male
Q20.IF no.7 & no 10 is tgt, will it be a good thing?
- Ofcaz not!!!
Q21.What is no.2 studying abt?
- The same subject as me?
Q22.When is ur last time whn you speak tuh no.3?
- Everyday speak 2 her even 1 2 fight with her..^^
Q23.What kind of music band no.8 like?
- Chinese song
Q24.Does no.1 have any siblings?
- nope, she is the only child
Q25.Will you woo no.3?
- The? we r good fren?
Q26. How abt no.7?
- WTF?
Q27. Is no.4 single?
- Yeah^^
Q28. What is the surname of no.5?
- Tan
Q29.Whats the hobby of no.10?
- She lyk 2 tok 2 EiEi
Q30.Does no.5 and no.9 get along well?
- Ya Good...
Q31.Where is no.2 studying at?
- The same sch as me^^
Q32.Talk smth casually abt no.1?
- She thinks alot about his "boy"..
Q33.Have you tried developing feelings for no.6?
- NO!!! she is my daughter n she is a girl?
Q34.Where does no.9 lives at?
- Do u think i noe?
Q35.What colour does no.4 like?
- I dunnoe.. maybe green?
Q36. Are no.5 and no.1 good friends?
- Ya
Q37.Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?
- HELLO???? He is a boy????
Q38.What is no.6 doing now?
- Who noes?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Tuesday, September 23, 2008



Saturday, September 20, 2008


Long time no post but 2day i will try 2 write wat happen this few days.. If i can still remember...

Go swimming 2day.. But started the day with Maths lessons...
Still teaching total surface aera n volume..
But at least understand.. But got new topic..
Then second lessons Science...
Still peer tutoring worksheet n text book..
Then third lessons English go through textbook..
Play dare or dare with Ingyin then she dare me go kick Joey chair n she wan me 2 kick hard..
So i kick Then she dare me go take Jia Wei book but in the end Jia Wei dun wan give me so ...
Then now my turn 2 dare her
I dare her 2 go pull Zi Qing hair then Zi Qing play with us 1 turn 2 take revage..
She dare me go slap Ingyin so i go slap very hard but she say not hard enough...
Then dare her two time 1 is go take Khan towel but Khan dun wan give..
Then finally recess..
Go change 2 swimming costume...
Go duty with Ingyin.. Then go maken..
Next lesson history..
Get back test then teacher also say we r the worst class among the 4 classes 4 history..
Then is lyk only Kai Jie managed 2 pass he get 17 n a half
Then the rest fail..
I get 9 n a half..
So teacher give as 1 more change
Retest on monday if fail stay back 4 2 tuesday
So going 2 study hard 4 this retest..
In the class continue play the game..
Dare Ingyin 2 go slap Muzaffar..
Then after this finally swimming lessons^^
Sit with Ingyin in the bus then continue the game...
Muzaffar sit right beside us then i wan Ingyin 2 slap him but she did not...
Mr Chin say 2day last lesson...
Then she dare me go say hi 2 Mr Chin...
Again she dare me go say sorry 2 Mr Chin..
Mr Chin was lyk looking at us...
Then ask me y say sorry.. Ingyin say we playing game.
Then we finally reach the swimming pool..
Ingyin n i was lyk standing at the front n also Mr Chin
We was lyk laughing 4 wat we did just now...
Then Mr Chin look at us n say "Gui Hong ah.. u r so lame..."
Then i reply him say "Aiya.. we boring ma.."
He was lyk giving us this face =="
I dare Ingyin 2 go shake his hand..
Then she go shake n Mr Chin say "Nice meeting u.."
I dare her again go say Mr Chin handsome she really go say but he ingored us...
Go in swim..
Then we learn backshoke..
But in the end learn a litter bit then teacher tell us go play game caz we dun seems intersted..
We form 1 team n swim relay but we win 2match!!
We was lyk so happy^^
Then another game..
We need 2 blow the ping pong ball 2 the other side this game we lose but we was happy as we work as a team^^
So in the end play with the whole class
slash water at each other..
we have so much fun.. We also took some pic...
In the end go back sch with Queenie
Go harmonica band with EiEi,Adilah n Farah..
Sectional 2day..
Dun enjoy any part of it caz not going 2 hanzhuo anyway..
Go out eat with Greta..
We was lyk making face at our packet of french fries...
So funny we even took pic..
Then go back sch c NCC..
Then also find EiEi n Ingyin..
After that go home with Greta...
All this writing i only noe 1 thing...
I have not been writing any thing about u...

Go harmonica 2day...
Praticing river dance n in a persion market...
Then again stay back at sch with Greta...
C Xin Wei they all so sit with them..
Then teach Valen the song...
She quite cute when blowing harmonica..
Then Greta say cannot tahan at sch already so we went out..
But bubble tea 2 drink..
Then we walk 2 the busket ball court where we always go 2 find handsome guys but in the no people there some only..
Then at there she smsing her fren so it was lyk very boring..
I was thinking will we saw Linda here?
Guess wat?
While we was walking 2 another place,we saw her with that pri 4 boy!
Then i was lyk surprise..
They went home so we sited at another place..
Then we was lyk sian so play harmonica..
People was lyk looking at us...
Dun mind that..
But in the end 4.30 go home becaz both of us was in need of the toilet..
HAHA^^But have fun with here 2day... Saw something very surprising too...
(rumours about something... )

Friday, September 12, 2008

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


It is a very long time i post..2day thesday.. Come 2 sch the first period reading period then do some reading n writing.. Then next lesson literature.. Do drama at that period.. Then after this maths.. Miss Zheng teach us some area n perimeter but never litsen caz was doing some sricpt writing.. Then ring ring... recess!! Go down n eat then go lab 4 Mr Ng tell us 2 do some cca thing but then all of them lyk not intersted.. In the end get scolded by him.. Then after this is boring english.. Science time.. LAMA bORING.. Then chinese do compo.. I write 1 story about a prenat woman in a bus then she scream caz is going 2 give birth in the bus.. Then write until alot of blood.. Ingyin n Joey too!^^ Then dunnoe wat too say maybe go home then edit more..

Friday, September 5, 2008


2day go out with my bro 2 go do homework with Jia Yi,Poi Wong n Mevlyn.. Go top up my card then when 2 take 334... Reach Mac go find Jia Yi but cannot find so so sit there wait 4 him but in the he find us. Then he bring us 2 where they r siting.. Then when find them go put my bag but then c them very shy becaz it seems that i am the only girl there.. But then sit there do homework.. But cannot stay 4 very long caz very really quite..~~ But then Joey come 2 my rescue.. After she come,they boys go eat.. Left me n Joey but then Yi Huan came with Winni... After some time they came back.. But there is no place 4 them 2 sit so we go 2 a bigger table.. Becaz of them.. But then me n Joey went out n eat then find Ingyin feel sry 4 her as when she reach sch we still call her come here.. Then + 1 more person.. But then u noe wat? Jess,Fiona n Dion came. At first there r only 5 person which have 4 boys 1girls but then increase until 12 person which have 5 boys 7 girls.. Then become very noisy.. SHHHH~~ We pratice drama there too.. Soon Dion,Fiona n Winni leave.. Then it soon become late then we decided 2 go out n eat.. When we reach Jurong Entertaiment walk around then Jess leave.. We go eat.. On the way ask Poi Wong y so quite... So they started eating.. C they eat.. Then tok tok eat drink.. Finally go home.. Take 334~~ Have fun^^
2day go 4 harmonica.. Pratice pratice.. Then finally can go home already but then must blow solo with Shu yi.. Blow around the whole sch.. Then go eat with Greta n Lara.. Then c Li Ying n Xin Wei they also pei wo men eat.. After eating they decided 2 walk 50 km with us.. So we when lake park 2 play.. We play the swing then at first dunnoe how 2 play but Greta,Lara n Xin Wei teach me so noe how 2 play.. Li Ying also very funny dunnoe how 2 swing.. HAHA^^ But me 2 la.. Then we go play the see-saw.. Then Xin Wei go play with me.. Then make me fly.^^ Then we go climb the thing it was fun but I AFAID OF HIGHS!! But the good thing is that Li Ying help me.. But in the end jump there.. Then they go climb the pyramid i cannot clib becaz it is too high.. But then c them very happy^^ Go play the swing again but after some time we go play the swing again.. But in the end very tired so walk 2 the MAC near the Rulang sit there do homework.. Lara also but water 4 us.. At that time i never noe how cold water taste lyk.. But then Li Ying leave early becaz of some reason.. In the end takle out my chinese 2 do then finish watch them.. Greta saw her admire there.. He quite handsome^^ Then also saw my bro.. Or should i say bros.. Then Xin Wei do finish homework so we go home.. It is quite a fun day there with them^^

Monday, September 1, 2008



Saturday, August 30, 2008


HAPPY BIRTHDAY LI YING^^!! LOVE U, SECOND HIGH N ALSO THE WHOLE BAND..^^!!2day go harmonica band 2day.. Walk 2 sch at 9.35 thought i late already so walk very fast but then still reach there on time.. When go in still c alot of them outside.. Suddenly when i go in,i hear some1 shouting my name then turn behind saw Greta they all.. I still remember wat i do with Greta yeaterday.. She say we lyk walk 4 50km.. N her leg is swollen too.. Feel very bad 4 her.. Sry~~ Then later went in 2 the band room sit down pratice river dance.. Until Mr Tang come.. But also pratice riveredance.. But after that,we go pratice other song lyk story of love JU HUA TAI..(WHICH I HATE THE MOST).. This song have 2 play solo..But the bad thing is that i have 2 do it 2day.. I was darm shy becaz i yk 4get that song n haven pratice it 4 a very long time.. Then i was lyk playing it n i think i was shaking lor.. SHAKING~~~ But the good thing is that we have 2 stop becaz now is break time n so me,Jia Xin,Yu Min n Shi Hui go out n eat be4 we do that,we was treaten by Michelle they all becaz we did not go 4 the ntu concert as they wanted me 2 go.. I cannot go becaz it is very late.. But they uses very cute ways 2 treaten me so i dun mind.. So went out 2 eat.. Eat chicken rice again.. Then we ask Jia Yi 2 treat us water again caz he just sms 2 Jia Xin.. But cannot find him so go back sch saw him.. Ask him y dun1 reply.. He say u wan but go but la so he give us money $5 just enough 4 the 4of us plus him.. HAHA^^ Its lyk the break going 2 end so we run there n back but just in time.. Apple tea again.. Go in pratice the song written on the board.. Some need 2 solo so solo again.. Some i really 4get.. The story of love also blow again n again.. But i have a good time with Li Ping caz they was lyk playing then she was also playing with me then also i did not go 4 the ntu so she always look at me.. But i was lyk laughing.. Soon the pratice ended so Mdm Chan tok 2 us 4 the trip.. It cost $1350.. My parents maybe will not let me go but i really hope i going.. But still 50%chance i going.. Then finally the toking ended so we went out.. Then remember that 2day it was Li Ying birthday caz Greta told me.. I nstead of stying back,me,Jia Xin n Yu Min go out 2 but things.. So in the end go IMM Go there but the blocks.. That Jia Yi sms Jia Xin phone so she tell me help her reply him so i help him reply.. Walao he can guess that i am not Jia Xin lor.. Caz he say Jia Xin english not good.. Then she cannot spell entertainmer 1.. Then i tell him guess who am i so he guess correctly.. So in the bus smsing him all the way.. Inside the shopping centre too.. But then Yu Min got tuition so she go first.. Then left me n Jia Xin.. We walk round n round then go shop here n there i find alot of present i can buy.. so going 2 come here buy all the present.. After sometime still smsing Jia Yi.. Then we decided 2 go home becaz nothing 2 shop already.. My conversation with Jia Yi finally ended.. Take 334 home.. Walao he still dun1 give up on me.. Wat am i going 2 do? Wonder how is the NTU concert.. Wanted 2 go.. But hope they have fun..

Friday, August 29, 2008


HAPPY TEACHER DAY 2 ALL MY TEACHER!!^^ 2day come 2 sch with Shi Hui then her shoe keep on dropping then she need supoort.. HAHA^^ Drop then stop^^ Finally reach sch then she tie tighter so stop dropping.. Reach sch then go sit with Ingyin n Joey.. 2day must run but dun feel lyk running becaz of~~ Then after some time,we begin running.. Start already i also dunnoe caz alot of them blocking.. Then is lyk all of them dun wan run but in the i tell Joey c who reach there then is lyk if she dun1 run i pull her.. But we only run until the shuqun primary school then she stop running.. But i saw Adilah n Elina so run with them.. Then ask them where is EiEi they say run very far already.. Then is lyk that Ingyin also not running caz she sport captain then we just c her standing there.. Walao she not running.. Then we run n run n run~~~~ Then i saw Jia Yi n some 1E5 people.. Then also saw alot of people but now i dun remember already.. But we run until we cannot run but still get on but Adilah cannot already so we run then stop run then stop but in the end we walk then run again.. But still reach sch.. We was lyk hais when we heard wat the prize was.. Just a towel.. Nothing else.. Then go buy green tea 4 her.. Her face is lyk darm white~ They say cannot buy but still buy.. Then is lyk i feel so naughty 2day caz i pull Mr Johnny shoe lace caz i thought nothing 1 ma then Ingyin also say just pull ma so i pull lor .. But u noe wat Mr Johnny say? He say "i thought Gui Hong very guai n quiet in class 1 but y 2day so naughty?" I was lyk tatally melt down lor then also my charator have been spoil.. WALAO.. Then hear that EiEi contract lenes lost so when we r having recess,me Ingyin n Win Xin go find but we cannot find.. But we cannot continue find caz the upper sec is coming down there 4 the run.. So in the end go check if it got stick on2 EiEi chothes.. But still dun have.. Feel very bad 4 her as the contract lence is from Myanmar.. Then is her parents buy 4 her 4 lyk $70 lor.. Then she very sad.. Then after that go c the TEACHER DAY PERFORMANCE.. Quite nice.. They dance very nice lor.. Then after that is go back 2 class take progress report.. I wan lyk so scared there will be underline but be4 we get it we must take back all the books n also at that time,more homework come in.. After that.. IT IS THE TAKING OF THE PROGRESS REPORT TIME~~~ Then whe Ingyin n Joey recieve, then is my turn.. Take the paper.. Joey say 2gether c so when we open 2gather i saw no underline...But the bad thing is both of them have.. Then suddenly Ingyin broke down.. She cry.. I feel so sad 4 her.. But then i ppromise,we r going 2 study hard 4 now on.. Then go canteen look 4 Greta,follow her go rulang then saw alot of her frens.. I also saw my frens lyk Shi Bin,Justin,Jason... DUN REMEMBER.. But very few girls~~ Then is lyk something happen then dun1 stay inside so come out.. Then we go mac eat then c alot of i noe people inside but we shy~~~ HAHA.. Then in the end sit there wondering wat 2 do.. So we go eat then eat fuinish we again go back 2 the same place sit there n think where 2 go next.. But we c 1 very handsome guy playing badminton we lyk so happy lor..So in the end go walk around then Greta sunddenly say wan cut hair so go cut hair.. Then she say cut until very nice so happy all the way~~ Then sit there again wondering wat 2 do.. So decided 2 go walk pass sch then walk pass c nobody so go 7-eleven top up my card.. Then we wan find handsome guys so we decided 2 go basketball court we can find then when we reach there,c alot of ah lian n ah meng.. Then some Greta noe so we just watch them but some come here so we decided 2 run.. So when we run we run 2 another court but no handsome guys there caz all 2 small.. So go mac sit down there wondering wat 2 do.. so again go back 2 the ah meng place there.. But we c none there.. So decided 2 walk home.. Inthe end reach home saw my bro n his fren n also a kitten.. So cute.. hAVE A GREAT TIME WILL GRETA N THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I SPENT SO MUCH IME WILL A SENIOR.. HAHA!! HOPE GRETA HAVE FUN 2..

Thursday, August 28, 2008

rain rain n RAIN!

WISH MY SON CHEE HOW A HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHEE HOW!^^2day rain very heavily then cannot walk 2 sch so take bus but u noe wat? I think if i walk 2 sch will be faster as i wait 4 the bus 4 20 min! But there still got some1 2 pei wo if not i comfirm just die there lor.. Su Qin n Shi Hui there.. After 20 min of waiting,the bus 335 finally come.. We would lyk so happy but when we saw the bus,i feel lyk fainting.. THERE IS SO MANY PEOPLE INSIDE! HOW CAN WE GO IN? I THOUGHT 3 335 WILL COME BUT NOPE..ONLY1! But the good thing is that there is a 198 there so we borad the bus 2 the bus stop near our sch but we still need 2 walk 2 sch n i believe we will be wet by then.. But i was thinking if i late will it be better? Caz no need go science lessons then can try DC.. Shi Hui think i crazy but i rather i late then go boring science lesson.. At last we reach the bus stop but guess wat? Alot of people is waiting 4 335 there too.. We saw Kahman there n some other fren but instead of waiting 4 335,we walk 2 sah 2gether.. Then Kahman tell me they also c the 335 but they never take caz sean kingston went in then cannot board any more people.. Walk 2 sch wet.. Then reach sch but the good thing is people is still walking 2 sch slowly~ Then when we walk 2wards the gate,there was a long quene of people standing there waiting 2 go in 2 the classroom but at that time the plege is going on so still cannot go in.. The quene is from the staircase until the end of the gate.. Go in 2 classroom soaking wet but still we would not counted as late.. So bad n it haven start lessons.. But still go science lab do experiment.. Then blah blah blah all the boring lessons... Then after go meet Mr Neo first then after that go do the art we go buy the cupborad which is $2 wa lao so expensive lor.. But the Fiona say user the 30 cent can already but it is already 2 late.. FIONA! Y U DUN WAN COME EARIER? THEN U CAN SAVE MONEY.. $2 CAN BUT ALOT OF THINGS.. Do finish we go out n eat n then have alot of laughing.. BUT U NOE WAT? THE MR TEE JUST MARK THEN GIVE US BACK SAY WE SCORE 60 SOMETHING THEN WE WAS LYK WTH LOR WE SPENT SO MUCH MONEY THEN SO MUCH TIME GO DO THIS RUBBISH ALSO GOT SCOLDED BY HIM BE4 BUT WE STILL WASTE MONEY N SPENT TIME DOING IT BUT GET NOTHING THE MARK ONLY BUT SO LITTER.. In the end dunnoe wat 2 do with the rubbish decided 2 throw away but we say waste money.. RECYCLE? But in the end go tear out everything that black paper 2.. We go ask him but in the end did not come out then after that tear already he then come out walao avioding us ah.. But still cannot believe i waste money just 2 buy this.. But all the laughter we have still ok la.. 2morrow teacher day n m,aybe going back 2 rulang but yi yong rina they all not going... SAD~ 2morrow also got running how come ah? But got prize maybe going 2 get it.. HAHA BUT THE BAD THING INGYIN NOT RUNNIG.. BUT HOPE THAT 2MORROW CAN GET THE PRIZE.. WISH ME GOOD LUCK!^^

Thursday, August 21, 2008


HAIS.. POST 2DAY.. Yesterday so slack with Greta,Lara n Li Ying.. We c 1 aunt then cannot believe wat she doing.. Better dun say.. Walk home with Greta.. They all very funny.. 2day go retest my standing borad jump n sit n reach.. But the standing board jump just pass.. It was all thought by Mr Chin.. He lyk teach until wan vomit blood already lor.. But thx Mr Chin!^^ So boring start the day off with science which we pour things here pour things there.. But it was quite fun doing the experiment.. chemicals acids.. Do it with Joey.. Then after science is geograhy started 2 go sleep again.. But still my open my eyes n listen.. I really dunnoe wat he toking lor.. Dun understand also.. Then recess.. Recess then english we learn oral then listen 2 some readers.. WA LAO i scared i also lyk the third reader.. Then chinese.. HAIS.. C that teacher.. She also say out wat me n Joey did yeaterday lor.. So pei sai lor.. Wa lao.. I still cannot believe wat happen yeaterday lor.. Dun wan say it out.. Say only let me feel very guilty of myself.. 100SORRY 4 JOEY.. SO IS JUST SO INNOCENT.. I AM VERY SORRY JOEY.. After that is CME.. Go lab hide inside the "SECRET BASE" LAME~ But it is a great base 2 hide.. That He Feng n Bai Cheng very funny 2day.. I never c Bai Cheng lyk that be4.. But they very funny.. Then yesterday c the class photo very funny.. Then go take scince test.. Hope can past Then that Queenie go volleyball~~~ HAIS~ Muzzafar yeaterday poor things lor so innocent then get scolded by Mdm Ling.. Must reflect 4 wat he did in class.. Lets also refelt with him wat we do in class.. Facing the wall then seems lyk crying.. HAHA.. Also cannot believe wat i c yesterday too.. That Aunt.. Better dun tok about it.. VERY~~ HAHA! Then 2day get back the test paper 4 chinese.. Joey n me c the paper lyk wan 2 vomit blood lor.. This is the first time i fail my chinese paper then is lyk fail until cannot fail already lor.. CRYING.. Feel lyk killing my chinese teacher.. Then 2day Ingyin also say i started 2 lyk Muzzafar.. HELLO? Is she lyk or i lyk? WALAO SHE AH.. But he really sometime very cute.. Sometime also very innocent.. HAHA! Go home with Boon Ling.. PLS DUN GET THE WRONG IDEA.. 2MORROW MAYBE POST AGAIN bye bye^^

Monday, August 11, 2008


MY BIRTHDAY 2DAY!!!! YA YA!! I HAVE BECOME 13 NOW N OLDER N OLDER..WILL SOMEDAY BECOME 90 IF I CAN.. BUT 2MORROW WILL BE MICHELLE BIRTHDAY 2 WISH HER AN ADVANCE BIRTHDAY!! 2day when out with Queenie,Yi Huan,Jia Yi,my bro,Min Kai n Chee How(come after his tuition..) We went 2 watch the mummy: the tumb of the lost emporer.. The movie rox but i think i lyk movie that make people cry..Meet Jia Yi n Yi Huan at 9am. Yi Huan came late so left me,my bro n Jia Yi.. We went 2 eat then after eat finish Yi Huan came n Queenie reach here 2.. They all cant believe i wear lyk that.. Caz i wear that kind of chothes which is very ...~ I dunnoe how 2 say but they all say i came from geylang.. HAHA~ Then that Min Kai also reach then we went i saw Yi Tian n her frens 2.. After that we when in 2 c the movie which i think is very romantic n the movie also alot of fighting scene.. We came out wondering wat 2 do next.. But in the end go library.. Find Eugene,Yi Tian n their group of frens there.. We went in 4 i think 1hour plus then come out caz that Queenie very sian.. Then they all wanted 2 eat.. We went in 2 the mall again then walk in look 4 something 2 eat but in the end still cannot find caz all the boys say very expensive then no money..HAIS.. BOYS NOWADAYS.. LAME.. Even my bro also in their side.. So we end up going 2 the harker centre.. I did not eat just drink caz nothing 2 eat.. Eat finish go back mall quess who i c? I c Chee How! He was standing there looking 4 us.. We went in 2 the acarde that c thay play.. WOW! Some of the so call mens there very handsome keep on looking here.. HAHA!^^ Then Queenie n me cannot tahan then we say we going btw my bro also got tuition so we end up going home.. At first i thought i will not go home so early 1 but still..On the way saw Eugene then play.. Then took 334 home receive cards from Min Kai n Jia Yi.. Min Kia is give at movie when i walking out 2 go toilet then Jia Yi give me at going home time then give me.. He make himself very nice.. Then inside got alot of words that i cannot say.. Then got wish by alot of people.. HAPPY HAPPY!! THZ ALL 4 WISHING ME A HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008


SORRY! Yesterday never post caz com spoil then the whole day cannot play.. SIAN~ Then 2day i telling u about friday then about saturday n 2day.. Friday i come 2 sch at 7.05 then come late get scolded by Queenie n section leader caz come late then that Queenie wait 4 me until she going 2 be late herself 2.. VERY SORRY! Then we go band room pratice until we perform.. The sad thing is this performance is the last performance 4 the sec 4 n 5 people caz they all must prepare 4 o level.. VERY SAD CAZ THEY LEAVING SO SOON! Then this performance is the first 4 the sec 1 but there is noting 2 be happy about caz sec 4 n 5 leaving.. Going 2 be miss by then.. Then as time go by it is our turn 2 perform! I was lyk so sared caz the first time ma.. But we just perform very nice! I think.. Then we go back band room tok about the sec 4 n 5 then the performance in the future.. We then go home.. BUT..I did not go home but i go watch movie with Queeine ,Yi Huan,Pan Nu n Aaron. We go eat then go.. We watching money not enough. That Queenie say very funny then sad caz got people die in the end.. Then when we reach there i saw alot of harmonica people lyk Yi Tian,Eugene,Jia Yi,Michelle,Lara,Grata,Linda n many more.. I only remember some of them.. STM.. The movie really very sad..I cry caz of the part they show the past then also the grandma died.. VERY SAD!! After the movie the 3 of them go home but me n Yi Huan dun 1 so we go libary. But after that we when 2 libary after we went home.. This is the day the Beijing olylipic open! i saw the opening at night but did not c the fire caz very tired.. The End. HAHA!^^ K now this saturday.. HAPPY NATIONAL DAY! It is SINGAPORE 43TH BIRTHDAY!! The celebration was very nice caz of the fireworks n the plane that fly past our house very fast! Then very nice! Nothing much happen that day as there is no band that day.. That wat the chairman say... Now 4 2day.. 2morrow its my birthday! N i am going out with Queenie,Jia Wei,Yi Haun,Jia Yi,Min Kai,Chee How,Pan Nu.Aaron i only noe this few people.. I hope it will be fun! I think i bring my bro 2 caz very lonely.. But the Joey not going.. N 2day is Kaymond birthday.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2 KAYMOND!!^^ THX 4 EVERY1 4 WISHING ME A HAPPY BIRTHDAY!^^ I HOPE THIS YEAR MY BIRTHDAY WILL BE GREAT!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Sry so long never post caz either i cannot on com or i playing maple^^or my bro dun let me use.. 2morrow is my big day caz of the performance 2morrow.. I hope it go well caz alot of them watching.. Then very pei sei.. This is my first time performaing on stage using my harmonica.. Then also wearing my red t-shirt n jeans.. But the bad thing is that we still need 2 swing when blowing singapore town very scaered i do wrong then pei sei caz we need 2 blow then swing at the same time.. Very difficult.. Lets not say anymore caz that will make me scared.... I will tell u all more about 2morrow when i post 2 morrow.. Lets tok about 2day.. 2day really emo about something caz of my birthday n kaymond birthday but the thing i wanted 2 say i am very sorry Joey maybe i really misunderstood u.. But really i thing it is just my thinking.. 2day stay back c Joey run but in the end never c.. Caz i never c.. HAHA! We also c Inygin they all perform.. NICE! 2day Queenie n Jis Wei stead 2day make that Sam very sad.. But also must wish them a happy couple.. 2morrow must report by 7am n must wear red t-shirt..that is early.. Must go now but the last thing i wanted 2 say is that its 4days till my birthday.. Nothing special about it i think... I promise i will poat 2morrow maybe la...

Friday, July 25, 2008

now days dunnoe y always thinking about wat i doing..

U noe wat i do yesterday? I break with him.. Caz sometime at sch really dunnoe why saw him then suddenly bu shuang think about how he ditch me in the past.. Then Queenie said his attitide sux..(But sometime i really think so la..) It all started when i write letter saying I WAN BREAK this three words.. then i pass 2 Joey than Zi Qing they also say if i really no feeling than bresk lar caz realtionship cannot be force 1.. At first i patch back is becaz Jessica say patch back first then if really dun have feeling 4 him then break lor caz gan qing ke yi pei yen de.. Give both of us a chance c if we still can really continue.. But after this days i really started 2 hate him u noe n is REALLY HATE HIM! Then is like we write alot of things 2 him (all the things is about his negative side but Ingyin write all the positive side about him..) BUT the sad things is they dun let me write ANYTHING! Not even say 1 word 2 him.."SORRY".. Caz he help me with that stupid sam.. Caz he last time always bully me then he tell him not 2 bully me.. That make me feel he is such a hero.. But wat things have 2 be done must be done.. But that wat i wanted 2 say 2 him :THX 4 THE HAPPY TIME IN THE PAST.. THEN THX 4 THE STOPING OF SAM THE BIG BULLY.. I WANTED 2 TELL U U R MY FIRST STEAD THEN I REALLY VERY HAPPY BEING WITH U.. I think tok 2 much already.. But really i am very happy will u.. K finish toking about him.. Lets tok about 2day.. 2day lessons very boring.. Band 2day is so boring come back from swimming lesson than go 4 sectional pratice very less people come.. But maybe 2morrow main band pratice will be better.. SORRY IS THE WORD I CAN ONLY SAY.. HOPE U FIND 1 BETTER 1 THAN ME.. LAST THING I WANTED 2 SAY BEFORE I GO.. WONG GUI HONG IS NOE SINGLE!^^

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

so weird nowadays.. am i correct?

I really dunnoe if my choice is correct.. Caz i really feel nothing 4 him nowadays no such feeling like last time.. Very happy 1 then always think of him then like in class always laugh 2 myself..(even that Joey said i crazy! WA LAO SHE! People really happy wat..) But noe dun seems 2 have the same kind of feeling already.. But u noe who the most happy person in class? It is Chee How n Winni caz they can have i happy family.. But i dun think it is a happy family. Then every1 said his attidude sux! Then break with la! I dunnoe caz now he cannot ditch me caz i said only me can ditch him.. Caz he ditch me at first.. Have i given hope 4 him? Dunnoe but dun care!^^ Must JIA YU 4get wat he did 2 u then remember the happy time..2day dunnoe wat happen but all my seniors suddenly come n tell me i got stead already then i wonder i got tell them i got stead mah? Yi Tian also it is like every person in the harmonica noe.. But i still dunnoe wat they toking about then i also dunnoe who is that person? Maybe it is becaz of yesterday they saw something.. N it seems like alot of people saw it then spread the news.. That make me dun wan 2 go harmonica this firday n saturday.. Dunnoe wat will happen.. It is all a misunderstanding.. It is caz of my blog? Dunnoe but i hope they all dun get the wrong idea..

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

happy family i hope..

2day i patch up with him.. It is like 95% to 100% said patch up but it is like i dun wan.. Caz really no feeling 4 him now.. Then Chee How said can have 1 happy family.. I just hope it is a "happy family"... But just hope that the ending wont be the same.. The same like last time.. I tell him he cannot ditch me but i can ditch him caz he last time ditch me ok.. But if really have special reason then ok lor.. 2day have harmonica.. N it is sectional pratice.. We pratice then very fun caz first high also there then we play 2gether.. That chairman also.. Just hope that they dun go so soon.. caz dun have laughter without them.. The sec 4 also.. but it will soon be our turn..

Friday, July 18, 2008

harmoniac rox!

HARMONICA HARMONIAC ROX!^^ Love every1 in harmoniac band they all ROX! Exspecially some of them.. But (maybe la..) Go swimming 2day n it was fun the frogging style.. But the best thing is Ingyin n Joey got go!^^ 2day sectional pratice very sad u noe? I am going 2 blow solo the rest of my life.. It just so bad.. That wat the stupid chairman said! U people very shy then tell people 2 play in front of him..even worst the whole band or the whole country! (i 4get his name sry!) I did 1 wrong thing n if that people never get back,it will be back. Caz of my stupid .. AH.. wat should i do? 2day stay back at sch help them do the "ling ling" thing then go c Ingyin POP very nice but still cannot take back the paper.. 2morrow got performance at the west mall but we dun have perform caz just sec 1 u noe? Wat if that person really ask 4 patch up? I dunnoe how 2 answer him u noe.. It is very difficult 4 me caz i scared the ending is still the same.. Then i already (cannot tell..) I just really hope that the band perform well in the mall ..

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

sch is just so boring cannot tahan any more... Sian~

2day very sian lol~ Hope the sch day faster end.. But till the end must still must survive.. Now days nothing 2 post. Yesterday band was quite fun can play solo but very shy u noe? My whole body like shaking then like sometime blow wrong.. I am like the 1 that is not performing sitting in the front then shy u noe. The first high blow very good! At first i dun choose harmonical 4 my first cca 1 but no choice i put it in the 3 choice! But in the end still went in.. My first choice is NPCC second choice volleyball but both cannot go,in then in the end went in 2 harmonical band. At first i was thinking i have no music talent how could i past that addition? But when i went in 2 the band i felt great caz the senior there was very funny n kind. They us very nicely n keep on making us laugh^^ After the addition Gui Hong still went in 2 the second high. Second high people was very very kind 2 me they treat me very nicely then if i dunnoe how 2 play they will teaches me until i noe how 2 play. The june camp was quite nice we can c movie in the night but still have PT in the morning. But the sad thing is we dun have boys inside the second high. They tell me the last boy have graduated but some quit i think got 2 quit then 1 graduated. But I wanted 2 thx all my second high peple 4 encouraging me,all the first high people n then the section i haven thx n the whole band! I love harmonical band hope i dun change my mind! I just hope i wont..

Monday, July 14, 2008


2day find some1 blog guess who... Frenster dunnoe who add me n they r from other country 1.. 2day cannot write long so soyona~ Gui Hong JIA YU!

Friday, July 11, 2008


I should be boarding Joey 's father car there but my parents change their mind so they bring me there. At first i wan like very angrey but in the end i felt better walking with them.. 2day is like special lol! Win the cross country race! At first i think that i am not running but in the end i still run with Ingyin,Queenie n Elina. They like run very fast lol! So must run faster 2 catch up with them.. I feel so bad about leting Joey carry my bag 4 me all the way.. Carrying my bag is so heavy caz my fren things all inside. Then Joey say take turn 2 carry the bag so i carry it first then her turn 2 carry. So i let her carry but when i c Ingyin ran very far away already so i started 2 run faster but when i realise that my bag is still with Joey it was still 2 late i already reach the finish line.. Maybe if i carry the bag she will run faster than me n win a prize 4 herself.. Hais~ The running was fun caz while we were running we tok 2 each other,stop 4 each other,wait 4 each other n cheer 4 each other. N guess who i saw? Min Kai! He was showing the way so when i run pass him,i wave 2 him n saw hello! I dunnoe why i do that but i feel happy saying hi 2 him.. We alos saw somebody 2 2 make her run so fast.. At the end i get 10th place i was like darm surprise lol! BUT! I fell so bad 4 inygin caz she just 2 more seconds he will win me already.. Elina too! I think just 5 more seconds i can win her already lol.. But i was happy she won the prize caz she run faster than me. When we went home,we decided 2 go the near by mac but in the end go the near sch 1.. We were like walking here n there but still get there. I think we eat there 4 1h something but i left early. Reach home like wan 2 die like that lol.. Here pain there pain n also soar throat. AH! 2morrow still got band. My bro say my vioce like man u noe then plas sneeze there sneeze here.. Aiya but i enjoy goinh 2 band.. The senery there so nice hope can sit there with my boyfren 2 c the sunset... So wish....

Thursday, July 10, 2008


2morrow got cross country.. Dunnoe wat is that but it seems intersting.. 2day stay back with Inygin n Alvin they all. They very funny u noe! Especially that Alvin.. All of them get the wrong idea about the both of us.. They think we couple.. LOL! Waloa he darm tall lol! Taller than me 2 head or 3 head.. So tall go call people short.. Guess who i saw 2day! Dun tell u.. N is a group of them! 2day stay back at library saw that Kaymond. Wan Xin tell me they r toking something about me but when i ask the Kaymond he dun wan 2 tell me. WTF lol.. Now again very curious about wat they say.. She tell me they r toking about who like me. Who is that person? Hais so curious.. I agree sec sch life is really more intesting than my pri sch life.. Waloa 2day maple really very lucky lol pick up something i dunnoe n that thing can sell a bomb! All my bro jealous! But that thing i think is my bro pick up 4 me 1.. So bad 4 my luck.. Every1 ask me if i should patch up with him or give him a chance but now i think it is very difficult now.. That wat i think now but i dunnoe wat he think..

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

How got it be?

Did i did anything wrong? It was said that it was all my fault! How could it be? Now i realised alot of "people"come n visit here.. I dunnoe wat happen but they should have c wat i write. I think all i write is scolding some1.. Some1.. I dunnoe how come he noe my blog but he should have seen wat i write about him now.. Now that we have a new couple in our class... They seems happy with each other so lovely.. Nohing 2 post 2day so 2morrow then write long long 4 u! BYEBYE^^

How got it be?

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


That si Min Kai found my blog already! He should have c wat i write 4 him all the words i scold him... Hope he go do my quiz n c the question "Wat should i do with him?" the answer is go kick his ass! Am i very shy? NVM! Aiya people really shy wat! Why can't they tell me wat is the reason? I really wan 2 noe! Caz.... Dun get the wrong idea! Aiya i dunnoe wat is the reason but i just so courious 2 noe. But the only thing i noe is that we will never be getting back 2 wat we do last time.. Nowdays i think i am enjoying myself.. Maybe... I have already 4gotten about him.. Still thinking about wat Chee How say 2 me wat did that Min Kai tell him? Wish they will tell me the truth.. Somedays..

Friday, July 4, 2008


2day is the first day of that swimming lessons. But it dun turn out so bad after all. U noe alot of people very shy dun wan 2 take off like me so bad lol Joey n Ingyin cannot go swimming this week.. They both very bad. Well its quite fun but the good thing is i can late go band. 2day suddenly c him.. AH..i feel... I dunnoe how 2 say. Just fell so happy.. I dunnoe why but Chee How said MinKai that reasons is not true.. I dunnoe why but when i wanted 2 ask him he dun wan 2 tell me. I so courious.. But the only thing i noe is his first reasons very lousy.. If the second reasons also like that i kill him.. Not la just kidding! But if u all ask me if i can give him a change i think maybe not. So sorry.. But if is i do wrong maybe lol.. Sometime our eyes meet each other dunnoe how 2 react so look away.. His eyes really like the last we looking at each other. WTH! Well.. if we can tok at first maybe the ending wont be like that.. Just maybe....


Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Well 2day band very boring , keep on blowing the same song..HAHA..But still can ..CANNOT SAY!^^2day that asshole Sam ask me 2 apolozise 2 Min Kia.I dunnoe why ofcaz i wont say la.. I did not did any wrong is he wrong okay.. Idunnoe but i really hate him .. When i c him , is like i wan 2 aviod him.. But i only noe he sux..HAHA! AIYO!2day nothing 2 post. 3 more days n it is swimming.. When i think of it make me hate it even more like him.. Just hope it when well 2morrow..


Friday, June 27, 2008

missing u..

That guy was like make me so happy!^^ His hair looks very funny but i think it rox on him.. He is just so cool with that hair. AH...just cant stop thinking about him n also taking my eyes of him.. Everyday is like must c him 1 time or else emo in my class. It just like MK did not come 2 sch..(I am saying last time.) That handsome guy must have very big condition with girls.. He is just so attrative caz some1 say that 1 girl like her. Well.. the only thing i noe is that he is more handsome then MK n maybe(I say maybe only..)better than him.. Its a surprise.. YA! Just hope 2 c him again maybe 2morrow. Just c him 1 time make me dam happy like the first time some1 stead with me..

Thursday, June 26, 2008

love is so powerful..

Sry haven post 4 many days.Very lazy..^^ Nowdays really wan 2 cry.. Yesterday that Sam Teo make me fall down! I was like dam pei sei.. Fuck him. I was like hate him so much wat the use of helping him. Well...nowdays when i saw some1 that person will surely make me dam happy 1.. That person is...cannot tell u.. He is like dam handsome.. Is like cant take my eyes off him..He rox.. But somehow never c him that day will become very sian then become emo.. It is just so bad i am not a like i c him wan 2 aviod him..dunnoe why c him like hate him.. n like keed on saying he sux. 2day Queenie dam funny. She is like so cute treat me as a charity organiza..She call herself Miss Nie manager.Then she donate 1million dollar 2 me. HAHA! The check she draw very creative. 2day Mo Jo Jo go 4 syf dunnoe how is it. 2day the Alvin also very funny. Is like nowdays i just wan 2 find a guy that can be with me so that Joey will not c me emo again. I just hope that something can happen..N that thing can let me remember 4ever.. The power of love is just so great.. If it ends like the first 1,i could only said dun cry caz it ended smile caz it happen. Prefects.. Cing that all my frens become a prefect,i am so proud of them. Hope that i day i will become 1 in the future n serve the sch better..Or maybe 4 other reasons..

Monday, June 23, 2008

the first day of sch

First day of sch sucks! Wake up so early! Zzzzzzz.. YIPEE! Miss Ang not our form teacher! Now is Mr Johnny Ng. So bad first day of sch got bad news. Swimming lesson! I hate swimming! Last time i got learn but dunnoe few days later quit. Very scary! Now time table change. Mr Gerard now our geography tescher. Some teacher new. Wat do u noe? Did not tok 2 him 2day n do not wan 2 c him. Well its good 2 c my fren again. But still got alot of hw. GTG BB!^^

Sunday, June 22, 2008

sch sucks

Sorry long time haven post com spoil but 2 day suddenly can on. Yesterday go 2 library with Joey,Kaymond n Khan. We go there 2 do our hw but in the end we tok instead. Do u all wan me 2 post more about him? If u all wan pls tag. Left with 1 more days n it is sch. Is not that i hate sch but is caz that we need 2 get up so early. Sometime i enjoy sch but sometime i hate it. Dunnoe wat 2 post 2morrow at sch then i say wat happen. I just hate sch....

Sunday, June 15, 2008

by myself

I have been thinking if he like some other girl who will that girl be? That girl must be very nice. That is only my thinking if he is really stress then break then lets 4get it. But it seems like the other way... Lets tok about something else... No person 2 miss..HAHA! I just hope that 1 more will come. Sec is starting n holiday r ending...Time passes so fast..More hw is coming. I am going 2 do my BEST!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

normal life

I dunnoe why but i just dun feel that sad when he break with me. Maybe i already dun like him already..that wat i feel about him now...But when i stead with him a first i felt so relax n happy but now i just dun feel it.I just feel nothing..zi min said 4get the realtionship i also agree n that is wat i am doing now.But 1 thing i will do is be normal fren with him. Wat if he walk past me? Well..lets just said hi 2 himn pretend nothing happen. A new term is starting n i will 4get everything i hope...

Friday, June 13, 2008

heart broken

Its 67 days ..... N it ended.....All the happy time we have 2gether is in the past. We r now normal frens caz we break up..... I dunnoe is caz of who but if this way is better 4 him then lets break up. I just dunnoe how 2 tok 2 him in class. We dun use our mouth 2 tok but we use paper,man or phone. Well .. i dunnoe wat u all said but this is how we tok. The reason he said he wan 2 break is caz of my frens. I dunnoe wat is wrong with my frens but 1 thing i noe is that all my frens treat me very well. Frens is 2ever. Joey n Inygin treats me 2 well so if he said is the 2 of them, i surely stand on my fren this side.I just dunnoe wat wrong with my frens ... i just hope he give me some reasons that i think i can agree... ALL OVER..........