Thursday, August 21, 2008


HAIS.. POST 2DAY.. Yesterday so slack with Greta,Lara n Li Ying.. We c 1 aunt then cannot believe wat she doing.. Better dun say.. Walk home with Greta.. They all very funny.. 2day go retest my standing borad jump n sit n reach.. But the standing board jump just pass.. It was all thought by Mr Chin.. He lyk teach until wan vomit blood already lor.. But thx Mr Chin!^^ So boring start the day off with science which we pour things here pour things there.. But it was quite fun doing the experiment.. chemicals acids.. Do it with Joey.. Then after science is geograhy started 2 go sleep again.. But still my open my eyes n listen.. I really dunnoe wat he toking lor.. Dun understand also.. Then recess.. Recess then english we learn oral then listen 2 some readers.. WA LAO i scared i also lyk the third reader.. Then chinese.. HAIS.. C that teacher.. She also say out wat me n Joey did yeaterday lor.. So pei sai lor.. Wa lao.. I still cannot believe wat happen yeaterday lor.. Dun wan say it out.. Say only let me feel very guilty of myself.. 100SORRY 4 JOEY.. SO IS JUST SO INNOCENT.. I AM VERY SORRY JOEY.. After that is CME.. Go lab hide inside the "SECRET BASE" LAME~ But it is a great base 2 hide.. That He Feng n Bai Cheng very funny 2day.. I never c Bai Cheng lyk that be4.. But they very funny.. Then yesterday c the class photo very funny.. Then go take scince test.. Hope can past Then that Queenie go volleyball~~~ HAIS~ Muzzafar yeaterday poor things lor so innocent then get scolded by Mdm Ling.. Must reflect 4 wat he did in class.. Lets also refelt with him wat we do in class.. Facing the wall then seems lyk crying.. HAHA.. Also cannot believe wat i c yesterday too.. That Aunt.. Better dun tok about it.. VERY~~ HAHA! Then 2day get back the test paper 4 chinese.. Joey n me c the paper lyk wan 2 vomit blood lor.. This is the first time i fail my chinese paper then is lyk fail until cannot fail already lor.. CRYING.. Feel lyk killing my chinese teacher.. Then 2day Ingyin also say i started 2 lyk Muzzafar.. HELLO? Is she lyk or i lyk? WALAO SHE AH.. But he really sometime very cute.. Sometime also very innocent.. HAHA! Go home with Boon Ling.. PLS DUN GET THE WRONG IDEA.. 2MORROW MAYBE POST AGAIN bye bye^^

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