Friday, July 11, 2008


I should be boarding Joey 's father car there but my parents change their mind so they bring me there. At first i wan like very angrey but in the end i felt better walking with them.. 2day is like special lol! Win the cross country race! At first i think that i am not running but in the end i still run with Ingyin,Queenie n Elina. They like run very fast lol! So must run faster 2 catch up with them.. I feel so bad about leting Joey carry my bag 4 me all the way.. Carrying my bag is so heavy caz my fren things all inside. Then Joey say take turn 2 carry the bag so i carry it first then her turn 2 carry. So i let her carry but when i c Ingyin ran very far away already so i started 2 run faster but when i realise that my bag is still with Joey it was still 2 late i already reach the finish line.. Maybe if i carry the bag she will run faster than me n win a prize 4 herself.. Hais~ The running was fun caz while we were running we tok 2 each other,stop 4 each other,wait 4 each other n cheer 4 each other. N guess who i saw? Min Kai! He was showing the way so when i run pass him,i wave 2 him n saw hello! I dunnoe why i do that but i feel happy saying hi 2 him.. We alos saw somebody 2 2 make her run so fast.. At the end i get 10th place i was like darm surprise lol! BUT! I fell so bad 4 inygin caz she just 2 more seconds he will win me already.. Elina too! I think just 5 more seconds i can win her already lol.. But i was happy she won the prize caz she run faster than me. When we went home,we decided 2 go the near by mac but in the end go the near sch 1.. We were like walking here n there but still get there. I think we eat there 4 1h something but i left early. Reach home like wan 2 die like that lol.. Here pain there pain n also soar throat. AH! 2morrow still got band. My bro say my vioce like man u noe then plas sneeze there sneeze here.. Aiya but i enjoy goinh 2 band.. The senery there so nice hope can sit there with my boyfren 2 c the sunset... So wish....

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