Thursday, August 28, 2008

rain rain n RAIN!

WISH MY SON CHEE HOW A HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHEE HOW!^^2day rain very heavily then cannot walk 2 sch so take bus but u noe wat? I think if i walk 2 sch will be faster as i wait 4 the bus 4 20 min! But there still got some1 2 pei wo if not i comfirm just die there lor.. Su Qin n Shi Hui there.. After 20 min of waiting,the bus 335 finally come.. We would lyk so happy but when we saw the bus,i feel lyk fainting.. THERE IS SO MANY PEOPLE INSIDE! HOW CAN WE GO IN? I THOUGHT 3 335 WILL COME BUT NOPE..ONLY1! But the good thing is that there is a 198 there so we borad the bus 2 the bus stop near our sch but we still need 2 walk 2 sch n i believe we will be wet by then.. But i was thinking if i late will it be better? Caz no need go science lessons then can try DC.. Shi Hui think i crazy but i rather i late then go boring science lesson.. At last we reach the bus stop but guess wat? Alot of people is waiting 4 335 there too.. We saw Kahman there n some other fren but instead of waiting 4 335,we walk 2 sah 2gether.. Then Kahman tell me they also c the 335 but they never take caz sean kingston went in then cannot board any more people.. Walk 2 sch wet.. Then reach sch but the good thing is people is still walking 2 sch slowly~ Then when we walk 2wards the gate,there was a long quene of people standing there waiting 2 go in 2 the classroom but at that time the plege is going on so still cannot go in.. The quene is from the staircase until the end of the gate.. Go in 2 classroom soaking wet but still we would not counted as late.. So bad n it haven start lessons.. But still go science lab do experiment.. Then blah blah blah all the boring lessons... Then after go meet Mr Neo first then after that go do the art we go buy the cupborad which is $2 wa lao so expensive lor.. But the Fiona say user the 30 cent can already but it is already 2 late.. FIONA! Y U DUN WAN COME EARIER? THEN U CAN SAVE MONEY.. $2 CAN BUT ALOT OF THINGS.. Do finish we go out n eat n then have alot of laughing.. BUT U NOE WAT? THE MR TEE JUST MARK THEN GIVE US BACK SAY WE SCORE 60 SOMETHING THEN WE WAS LYK WTH LOR WE SPENT SO MUCH MONEY THEN SO MUCH TIME GO DO THIS RUBBISH ALSO GOT SCOLDED BY HIM BE4 BUT WE STILL WASTE MONEY N SPENT TIME DOING IT BUT GET NOTHING THE MARK ONLY BUT SO LITTER.. In the end dunnoe wat 2 do with the rubbish decided 2 throw away but we say waste money.. RECYCLE? But in the end go tear out everything that black paper 2.. We go ask him but in the end did not come out then after that tear already he then come out walao avioding us ah.. But still cannot believe i waste money just 2 buy this.. But all the laughter we have still ok la.. 2morrow teacher day n m,aybe going back 2 rulang but yi yong rina they all not going... SAD~ 2morrow also got running how come ah? But got prize maybe going 2 get it.. HAHA BUT THE BAD THING INGYIN NOT RUNNIG.. BUT HOPE THAT 2MORROW CAN GET THE PRIZE.. WISH ME GOOD LUCK!^^

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