Friday, June 27, 2008

missing u..

That guy was like make me so happy!^^ His hair looks very funny but i think it rox on him.. He is just so cool with that hair. AH...just cant stop thinking about him n also taking my eyes of him.. Everyday is like must c him 1 time or else emo in my class. It just like MK did not come 2 sch..(I am saying last time.) That handsome guy must have very big condition with girls.. He is just so attrative caz some1 say that 1 girl like her. Well.. the only thing i noe is that he is more handsome then MK n maybe(I say maybe only..)better than him.. Its a surprise.. YA! Just hope 2 c him again maybe 2morrow. Just c him 1 time make me dam happy like the first time some1 stead with me..

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