Saturday, September 20, 2008


Long time no post but 2day i will try 2 write wat happen this few days.. If i can still remember...

Go swimming 2day.. But started the day with Maths lessons...
Still teaching total surface aera n volume..
But at least understand.. But got new topic..
Then second lessons Science...
Still peer tutoring worksheet n text book..
Then third lessons English go through textbook..
Play dare or dare with Ingyin then she dare me go kick Joey chair n she wan me 2 kick hard..
So i kick Then she dare me go take Jia Wei book but in the end Jia Wei dun wan give me so ...
Then now my turn 2 dare her
I dare her 2 go pull Zi Qing hair then Zi Qing play with us 1 turn 2 take revage..
She dare me go slap Ingyin so i go slap very hard but she say not hard enough...
Then dare her two time 1 is go take Khan towel but Khan dun wan give..
Then finally recess..
Go change 2 swimming costume...
Go duty with Ingyin.. Then go maken..
Next lesson history..
Get back test then teacher also say we r the worst class among the 4 classes 4 history..
Then is lyk only Kai Jie managed 2 pass he get 17 n a half
Then the rest fail..
I get 9 n a half..
So teacher give as 1 more change
Retest on monday if fail stay back 4 2 tuesday
So going 2 study hard 4 this retest..
In the class continue play the game..
Dare Ingyin 2 go slap Muzaffar..
Then after this finally swimming lessons^^
Sit with Ingyin in the bus then continue the game...
Muzaffar sit right beside us then i wan Ingyin 2 slap him but she did not...
Mr Chin say 2day last lesson...
Then she dare me go say hi 2 Mr Chin...
Again she dare me go say sorry 2 Mr Chin..
Mr Chin was lyk looking at us...
Then ask me y say sorry.. Ingyin say we playing game.
Then we finally reach the swimming pool..
Ingyin n i was lyk standing at the front n also Mr Chin
We was lyk laughing 4 wat we did just now...
Then Mr Chin look at us n say "Gui Hong ah.. u r so lame..."
Then i reply him say "Aiya.. we boring ma.."
He was lyk giving us this face =="
I dare Ingyin 2 go shake his hand..
Then she go shake n Mr Chin say "Nice meeting u.."
I dare her again go say Mr Chin handsome she really go say but he ingored us...
Go in swim..
Then we learn backshoke..
But in the end learn a litter bit then teacher tell us go play game caz we dun seems intersted..
We form 1 team n swim relay but we win 2match!!
We was lyk so happy^^
Then another game..
We need 2 blow the ping pong ball 2 the other side this game we lose but we was happy as we work as a team^^
So in the end play with the whole class
slash water at each other..
we have so much fun.. We also took some pic...
In the end go back sch with Queenie
Go harmonica band with EiEi,Adilah n Farah..
Sectional 2day..
Dun enjoy any part of it caz not going 2 hanzhuo anyway..
Go out eat with Greta..
We was lyk making face at our packet of french fries...
So funny we even took pic..
Then go back sch c NCC..
Then also find EiEi n Ingyin..
After that go home with Greta...
All this writing i only noe 1 thing...
I have not been writing any thing about u...

Go harmonica 2day...
Praticing river dance n in a persion market...
Then again stay back at sch with Greta...
C Xin Wei they all so sit with them..
Then teach Valen the song...
She quite cute when blowing harmonica..
Then Greta say cannot tahan at sch already so we went out..
But bubble tea 2 drink..
Then we walk 2 the busket ball court where we always go 2 find handsome guys but in the no people there some only..
Then at there she smsing her fren so it was lyk very boring..
I was thinking will we saw Linda here?
Guess wat?
While we was walking 2 another place,we saw her with that pri 4 boy!
Then i was lyk surprise..
They went home so we sited at another place..
Then we was lyk sian so play harmonica..
People was lyk looking at us...
Dun mind that..
But in the end 4.30 go home becaz both of us was in need of the toilet..
HAHA^^But have fun with here 2day... Saw something very surprising too...
(rumours about something... )

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