Thursday, July 10, 2008


2morrow got cross country.. Dunnoe wat is that but it seems intersting.. 2day stay back with Inygin n Alvin they all. They very funny u noe! Especially that Alvin.. All of them get the wrong idea about the both of us.. They think we couple.. LOL! Waloa he darm tall lol! Taller than me 2 head or 3 head.. So tall go call people short.. Guess who i saw 2day! Dun tell u.. N is a group of them! 2day stay back at library saw that Kaymond. Wan Xin tell me they r toking something about me but when i ask the Kaymond he dun wan 2 tell me. WTF lol.. Now again very curious about wat they say.. She tell me they r toking about who like me. Who is that person? Hais so curious.. I agree sec sch life is really more intesting than my pri sch life.. Waloa 2day maple really very lucky lol pick up something i dunnoe n that thing can sell a bomb! All my bro jealous! But that thing i think is my bro pick up 4 me 1.. So bad 4 my luck.. Every1 ask me if i should patch up with him or give him a chance but now i think it is very difficult now.. That wat i think now but i dunnoe wat he think..

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