Saturday, August 30, 2008


HAPPY BIRTHDAY LI YING^^!! LOVE U, SECOND HIGH N ALSO THE WHOLE BAND..^^!!2day go harmonica band 2day.. Walk 2 sch at 9.35 thought i late already so walk very fast but then still reach there on time.. When go in still c alot of them outside.. Suddenly when i go in,i hear some1 shouting my name then turn behind saw Greta they all.. I still remember wat i do with Greta yeaterday.. She say we lyk walk 4 50km.. N her leg is swollen too.. Feel very bad 4 her.. Sry~~ Then later went in 2 the band room sit down pratice river dance.. Until Mr Tang come.. But also pratice riveredance.. But after that,we go pratice other song lyk story of love JU HUA TAI..(WHICH I HATE THE MOST).. This song have 2 play solo..But the bad thing is that i have 2 do it 2day.. I was darm shy becaz i yk 4get that song n haven pratice it 4 a very long time.. Then i was lyk playing it n i think i was shaking lor.. SHAKING~~~ But the good thing is that we have 2 stop becaz now is break time n so me,Jia Xin,Yu Min n Shi Hui go out n eat be4 we do that,we was treaten by Michelle they all becaz we did not go 4 the ntu concert as they wanted me 2 go.. I cannot go becaz it is very late.. But they uses very cute ways 2 treaten me so i dun mind.. So went out 2 eat.. Eat chicken rice again.. Then we ask Jia Yi 2 treat us water again caz he just sms 2 Jia Xin.. But cannot find him so go back sch saw him.. Ask him y dun1 reply.. He say u wan but go but la so he give us money $5 just enough 4 the 4of us plus him.. HAHA^^ Its lyk the break going 2 end so we run there n back but just in time.. Apple tea again.. Go in pratice the song written on the board.. Some need 2 solo so solo again.. Some i really 4get.. The story of love also blow again n again.. But i have a good time with Li Ping caz they was lyk playing then she was also playing with me then also i did not go 4 the ntu so she always look at me.. But i was lyk laughing.. Soon the pratice ended so Mdm Chan tok 2 us 4 the trip.. It cost $1350.. My parents maybe will not let me go but i really hope i going.. But still 50%chance i going.. Then finally the toking ended so we went out.. Then remember that 2day it was Li Ying birthday caz Greta told me.. I nstead of stying back,me,Jia Xin n Yu Min go out 2 but things.. So in the end go IMM Go there but the blocks.. That Jia Yi sms Jia Xin phone so she tell me help her reply him so i help him reply.. Walao he can guess that i am not Jia Xin lor.. Caz he say Jia Xin english not good.. Then she cannot spell entertainmer 1.. Then i tell him guess who am i so he guess correctly.. So in the bus smsing him all the way.. Inside the shopping centre too.. But then Yu Min got tuition so she go first.. Then left me n Jia Xin.. We walk round n round then go shop here n there i find alot of present i can buy.. so going 2 come here buy all the present.. After sometime still smsing Jia Yi.. Then we decided 2 go home becaz nothing 2 shop already.. My conversation with Jia Yi finally ended.. Take 334 home.. Walao he still dun1 give up on me.. Wat am i going 2 do? Wonder how is the NTU concert.. Wanted 2 go.. But hope they have fun..

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