Saturday, August 30, 2008


HAPPY BIRTHDAY LI YING^^!! LOVE U, SECOND HIGH N ALSO THE WHOLE BAND..^^!!2day go harmonica band 2day.. Walk 2 sch at 9.35 thought i late already so walk very fast but then still reach there on time.. When go in still c alot of them outside.. Suddenly when i go in,i hear some1 shouting my name then turn behind saw Greta they all.. I still remember wat i do with Greta yeaterday.. She say we lyk walk 4 50km.. N her leg is swollen too.. Feel very bad 4 her.. Sry~~ Then later went in 2 the band room sit down pratice river dance.. Until Mr Tang come.. But also pratice riveredance.. But after that,we go pratice other song lyk story of love JU HUA TAI..(WHICH I HATE THE MOST).. This song have 2 play solo..But the bad thing is that i have 2 do it 2day.. I was darm shy becaz i yk 4get that song n haven pratice it 4 a very long time.. Then i was lyk playing it n i think i was shaking lor.. SHAKING~~~ But the good thing is that we have 2 stop becaz now is break time n so me,Jia Xin,Yu Min n Shi Hui go out n eat be4 we do that,we was treaten by Michelle they all becaz we did not go 4 the ntu concert as they wanted me 2 go.. I cannot go becaz it is very late.. But they uses very cute ways 2 treaten me so i dun mind.. So went out 2 eat.. Eat chicken rice again.. Then we ask Jia Yi 2 treat us water again caz he just sms 2 Jia Xin.. But cannot find him so go back sch saw him.. Ask him y dun1 reply.. He say u wan but go but la so he give us money $5 just enough 4 the 4of us plus him.. HAHA^^ Its lyk the break going 2 end so we run there n back but just in time.. Apple tea again.. Go in pratice the song written on the board.. Some need 2 solo so solo again.. Some i really 4get.. The story of love also blow again n again.. But i have a good time with Li Ping caz they was lyk playing then she was also playing with me then also i did not go 4 the ntu so she always look at me.. But i was lyk laughing.. Soon the pratice ended so Mdm Chan tok 2 us 4 the trip.. It cost $1350.. My parents maybe will not let me go but i really hope i going.. But still 50%chance i going.. Then finally the toking ended so we went out.. Then remember that 2day it was Li Ying birthday caz Greta told me.. I nstead of stying back,me,Jia Xin n Yu Min go out 2 but things.. So in the end go IMM Go there but the blocks.. That Jia Yi sms Jia Xin phone so she tell me help her reply him so i help him reply.. Walao he can guess that i am not Jia Xin lor.. Caz he say Jia Xin english not good.. Then she cannot spell entertainmer 1.. Then i tell him guess who am i so he guess correctly.. So in the bus smsing him all the way.. Inside the shopping centre too.. But then Yu Min got tuition so she go first.. Then left me n Jia Xin.. We walk round n round then go shop here n there i find alot of present i can buy.. so going 2 come here buy all the present.. After sometime still smsing Jia Yi.. Then we decided 2 go home becaz nothing 2 shop already.. My conversation with Jia Yi finally ended.. Take 334 home.. Walao he still dun1 give up on me.. Wat am i going 2 do? Wonder how is the NTU concert.. Wanted 2 go.. But hope they have fun..

Friday, August 29, 2008


HAPPY TEACHER DAY 2 ALL MY TEACHER!!^^ 2day come 2 sch with Shi Hui then her shoe keep on dropping then she need supoort.. HAHA^^ Drop then stop^^ Finally reach sch then she tie tighter so stop dropping.. Reach sch then go sit with Ingyin n Joey.. 2day must run but dun feel lyk running becaz of~~ Then after some time,we begin running.. Start already i also dunnoe caz alot of them blocking.. Then is lyk all of them dun wan run but in the i tell Joey c who reach there then is lyk if she dun1 run i pull her.. But we only run until the shuqun primary school then she stop running.. But i saw Adilah n Elina so run with them.. Then ask them where is EiEi they say run very far already.. Then is lyk that Ingyin also not running caz she sport captain then we just c her standing there.. Walao she not running.. Then we run n run n run~~~~ Then i saw Jia Yi n some 1E5 people.. Then also saw alot of people but now i dun remember already.. But we run until we cannot run but still get on but Adilah cannot already so we run then stop run then stop but in the end we walk then run again.. But still reach sch.. We was lyk hais when we heard wat the prize was.. Just a towel.. Nothing else.. Then go buy green tea 4 her.. Her face is lyk darm white~ They say cannot buy but still buy.. Then is lyk i feel so naughty 2day caz i pull Mr Johnny shoe lace caz i thought nothing 1 ma then Ingyin also say just pull ma so i pull lor .. But u noe wat Mr Johnny say? He say "i thought Gui Hong very guai n quiet in class 1 but y 2day so naughty?" I was lyk tatally melt down lor then also my charator have been spoil.. WALAO.. Then hear that EiEi contract lenes lost so when we r having recess,me Ingyin n Win Xin go find but we cannot find.. But we cannot continue find caz the upper sec is coming down there 4 the run.. So in the end go check if it got stick on2 EiEi chothes.. But still dun have.. Feel very bad 4 her as the contract lence is from Myanmar.. Then is her parents buy 4 her 4 lyk $70 lor.. Then she very sad.. Then after that go c the TEACHER DAY PERFORMANCE.. Quite nice.. They dance very nice lor.. Then after that is go back 2 class take progress report.. I wan lyk so scared there will be underline but be4 we get it we must take back all the books n also at that time,more homework come in.. After that.. IT IS THE TAKING OF THE PROGRESS REPORT TIME~~~ Then whe Ingyin n Joey recieve, then is my turn.. Take the paper.. Joey say 2gether c so when we open 2gather i saw no underline...But the bad thing is both of them have.. Then suddenly Ingyin broke down.. She cry.. I feel so sad 4 her.. But then i ppromise,we r going 2 study hard 4 now on.. Then go canteen look 4 Greta,follow her go rulang then saw alot of her frens.. I also saw my frens lyk Shi Bin,Justin,Jason... DUN REMEMBER.. But very few girls~~ Then is lyk something happen then dun1 stay inside so come out.. Then we go mac eat then c alot of i noe people inside but we shy~~~ HAHA.. Then in the end sit there wondering wat 2 do.. So we go eat then eat fuinish we again go back 2 the same place sit there n think where 2 go next.. But we c 1 very handsome guy playing badminton we lyk so happy lor..So in the end go walk around then Greta sunddenly say wan cut hair so go cut hair.. Then she say cut until very nice so happy all the way~~ Then sit there again wondering wat 2 do.. So decided 2 go walk pass sch then walk pass c nobody so go 7-eleven top up my card.. Then we wan find handsome guys so we decided 2 go basketball court we can find then when we reach there,c alot of ah lian n ah meng.. Then some Greta noe so we just watch them but some come here so we decided 2 run.. So when we run we run 2 another court but no handsome guys there caz all 2 small.. So go mac sit down there wondering wat 2 do.. so again go back 2 the ah meng place there.. But we c none there.. So decided 2 walk home.. Inthe end reach home saw my bro n his fren n also a kitten.. So cute.. hAVE A GREAT TIME WILL GRETA N THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I SPENT SO MUCH IME WILL A SENIOR.. HAHA!! HOPE GRETA HAVE FUN 2..

Thursday, August 28, 2008

rain rain n RAIN!

WISH MY SON CHEE HOW A HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHEE HOW!^^2day rain very heavily then cannot walk 2 sch so take bus but u noe wat? I think if i walk 2 sch will be faster as i wait 4 the bus 4 20 min! But there still got some1 2 pei wo if not i comfirm just die there lor.. Su Qin n Shi Hui there.. After 20 min of waiting,the bus 335 finally come.. We would lyk so happy but when we saw the bus,i feel lyk fainting.. THERE IS SO MANY PEOPLE INSIDE! HOW CAN WE GO IN? I THOUGHT 3 335 WILL COME BUT NOPE..ONLY1! But the good thing is that there is a 198 there so we borad the bus 2 the bus stop near our sch but we still need 2 walk 2 sch n i believe we will be wet by then.. But i was thinking if i late will it be better? Caz no need go science lessons then can try DC.. Shi Hui think i crazy but i rather i late then go boring science lesson.. At last we reach the bus stop but guess wat? Alot of people is waiting 4 335 there too.. We saw Kahman there n some other fren but instead of waiting 4 335,we walk 2 sah 2gether.. Then Kahman tell me they also c the 335 but they never take caz sean kingston went in then cannot board any more people.. Walk 2 sch wet.. Then reach sch but the good thing is people is still walking 2 sch slowly~ Then when we walk 2wards the gate,there was a long quene of people standing there waiting 2 go in 2 the classroom but at that time the plege is going on so still cannot go in.. The quene is from the staircase until the end of the gate.. Go in 2 classroom soaking wet but still we would not counted as late.. So bad n it haven start lessons.. But still go science lab do experiment.. Then blah blah blah all the boring lessons... Then after go meet Mr Neo first then after that go do the art we go buy the cupborad which is $2 wa lao so expensive lor.. But the Fiona say user the 30 cent can already but it is already 2 late.. FIONA! Y U DUN WAN COME EARIER? THEN U CAN SAVE MONEY.. $2 CAN BUT ALOT OF THINGS.. Do finish we go out n eat n then have alot of laughing.. BUT U NOE WAT? THE MR TEE JUST MARK THEN GIVE US BACK SAY WE SCORE 60 SOMETHING THEN WE WAS LYK WTH LOR WE SPENT SO MUCH MONEY THEN SO MUCH TIME GO DO THIS RUBBISH ALSO GOT SCOLDED BY HIM BE4 BUT WE STILL WASTE MONEY N SPENT TIME DOING IT BUT GET NOTHING THE MARK ONLY BUT SO LITTER.. In the end dunnoe wat 2 do with the rubbish decided 2 throw away but we say waste money.. RECYCLE? But in the end go tear out everything that black paper 2.. We go ask him but in the end did not come out then after that tear already he then come out walao avioding us ah.. But still cannot believe i waste money just 2 buy this.. But all the laughter we have still ok la.. 2morrow teacher day n m,aybe going back 2 rulang but yi yong rina they all not going... SAD~ 2morrow also got running how come ah? But got prize maybe going 2 get it.. HAHA BUT THE BAD THING INGYIN NOT RUNNIG.. BUT HOPE THAT 2MORROW CAN GET THE PRIZE.. WISH ME GOOD LUCK!^^

Thursday, August 21, 2008


HAIS.. POST 2DAY.. Yesterday so slack with Greta,Lara n Li Ying.. We c 1 aunt then cannot believe wat she doing.. Better dun say.. Walk home with Greta.. They all very funny.. 2day go retest my standing borad jump n sit n reach.. But the standing board jump just pass.. It was all thought by Mr Chin.. He lyk teach until wan vomit blood already lor.. But thx Mr Chin!^^ So boring start the day off with science which we pour things here pour things there.. But it was quite fun doing the experiment.. chemicals acids.. Do it with Joey.. Then after science is geograhy started 2 go sleep again.. But still my open my eyes n listen.. I really dunnoe wat he toking lor.. Dun understand also.. Then recess.. Recess then english we learn oral then listen 2 some readers.. WA LAO i scared i also lyk the third reader.. Then chinese.. HAIS.. C that teacher.. She also say out wat me n Joey did yeaterday lor.. So pei sai lor.. Wa lao.. I still cannot believe wat happen yeaterday lor.. Dun wan say it out.. Say only let me feel very guilty of myself.. 100SORRY 4 JOEY.. SO IS JUST SO INNOCENT.. I AM VERY SORRY JOEY.. After that is CME.. Go lab hide inside the "SECRET BASE" LAME~ But it is a great base 2 hide.. That He Feng n Bai Cheng very funny 2day.. I never c Bai Cheng lyk that be4.. But they very funny.. Then yesterday c the class photo very funny.. Then go take scince test.. Hope can past Then that Queenie go volleyball~~~ HAIS~ Muzzafar yeaterday poor things lor so innocent then get scolded by Mdm Ling.. Must reflect 4 wat he did in class.. Lets also refelt with him wat we do in class.. Facing the wall then seems lyk crying.. HAHA.. Also cannot believe wat i c yesterday too.. That Aunt.. Better dun tok about it.. VERY~~ HAHA! Then 2day get back the test paper 4 chinese.. Joey n me c the paper lyk wan 2 vomit blood lor.. This is the first time i fail my chinese paper then is lyk fail until cannot fail already lor.. CRYING.. Feel lyk killing my chinese teacher.. Then 2day Ingyin also say i started 2 lyk Muzzafar.. HELLO? Is she lyk or i lyk? WALAO SHE AH.. But he really sometime very cute.. Sometime also very innocent.. HAHA! Go home with Boon Ling.. PLS DUN GET THE WRONG IDEA.. 2MORROW MAYBE POST AGAIN bye bye^^

Monday, August 11, 2008


MY BIRTHDAY 2DAY!!!! YA YA!! I HAVE BECOME 13 NOW N OLDER N OLDER..WILL SOMEDAY BECOME 90 IF I CAN.. BUT 2MORROW WILL BE MICHELLE BIRTHDAY 2 WISH HER AN ADVANCE BIRTHDAY!! 2day when out with Queenie,Yi Huan,Jia Yi,my bro,Min Kai n Chee How(come after his tuition..) We went 2 watch the mummy: the tumb of the lost emporer.. The movie rox but i think i lyk movie that make people cry..Meet Jia Yi n Yi Huan at 9am. Yi Huan came late so left me,my bro n Jia Yi.. We went 2 eat then after eat finish Yi Huan came n Queenie reach here 2.. They all cant believe i wear lyk that.. Caz i wear that kind of chothes which is very ...~ I dunnoe how 2 say but they all say i came from geylang.. HAHA~ Then that Min Kai also reach then we went i saw Yi Tian n her frens 2.. After that we when in 2 c the movie which i think is very romantic n the movie also alot of fighting scene.. We came out wondering wat 2 do next.. But in the end go library.. Find Eugene,Yi Tian n their group of frens there.. We went in 4 i think 1hour plus then come out caz that Queenie very sian.. Then they all wanted 2 eat.. We went in 2 the mall again then walk in look 4 something 2 eat but in the end still cannot find caz all the boys say very expensive then no money..HAIS.. BOYS NOWADAYS.. LAME.. Even my bro also in their side.. So we end up going 2 the harker centre.. I did not eat just drink caz nothing 2 eat.. Eat finish go back mall quess who i c? I c Chee How! He was standing there looking 4 us.. We went in 2 the acarde that c thay play.. WOW! Some of the so call mens there very handsome keep on looking here.. HAHA!^^ Then Queenie n me cannot tahan then we say we going btw my bro also got tuition so we end up going home.. At first i thought i will not go home so early 1 but still..On the way saw Eugene then play.. Then took 334 home receive cards from Min Kai n Jia Yi.. Min Kia is give at movie when i walking out 2 go toilet then Jia Yi give me at going home time then give me.. He make himself very nice.. Then inside got alot of words that i cannot say.. Then got wish by alot of people.. HAPPY HAPPY!! THZ ALL 4 WISHING ME A HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008


SORRY! Yesterday never post caz com spoil then the whole day cannot play.. SIAN~ Then 2day i telling u about friday then about saturday n 2day.. Friday i come 2 sch at 7.05 then come late get scolded by Queenie n section leader caz come late then that Queenie wait 4 me until she going 2 be late herself 2.. VERY SORRY! Then we go band room pratice until we perform.. The sad thing is this performance is the last performance 4 the sec 4 n 5 people caz they all must prepare 4 o level.. VERY SAD CAZ THEY LEAVING SO SOON! Then this performance is the first 4 the sec 1 but there is noting 2 be happy about caz sec 4 n 5 leaving.. Going 2 be miss by then.. Then as time go by it is our turn 2 perform! I was lyk so sared caz the first time ma.. But we just perform very nice! I think.. Then we go back band room tok about the sec 4 n 5 then the performance in the future.. We then go home.. BUT..I did not go home but i go watch movie with Queeine ,Yi Huan,Pan Nu n Aaron. We go eat then go.. We watching money not enough. That Queenie say very funny then sad caz got people die in the end.. Then when we reach there i saw alot of harmonica people lyk Yi Tian,Eugene,Jia Yi,Michelle,Lara,Grata,Linda n many more.. I only remember some of them.. STM.. The movie really very sad..I cry caz of the part they show the past then also the grandma died.. VERY SAD!! After the movie the 3 of them go home but me n Yi Huan dun 1 so we go libary. But after that we when 2 libary after we went home.. This is the day the Beijing olylipic open! i saw the opening at night but did not c the fire caz very tired.. The End. HAHA!^^ K now this saturday.. HAPPY NATIONAL DAY! It is SINGAPORE 43TH BIRTHDAY!! The celebration was very nice caz of the fireworks n the plane that fly past our house very fast! Then very nice! Nothing much happen that day as there is no band that day.. That wat the chairman say... Now 4 2day.. 2morrow its my birthday! N i am going out with Queenie,Jia Wei,Yi Haun,Jia Yi,Min Kai,Chee How,Pan Nu.Aaron i only noe this few people.. I hope it will be fun! I think i bring my bro 2 caz very lonely.. But the Joey not going.. N 2day is Kaymond birthday.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2 KAYMOND!!^^ THX 4 EVERY1 4 WISHING ME A HAPPY BIRTHDAY!^^ I HOPE THIS YEAR MY BIRTHDAY WILL BE GREAT!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Sry so long never post caz either i cannot on com or i playing maple^^or my bro dun let me use.. 2morrow is my big day caz of the performance 2morrow.. I hope it go well caz alot of them watching.. Then very pei sei.. This is my first time performaing on stage using my harmonica.. Then also wearing my red t-shirt n jeans.. But the bad thing is that we still need 2 swing when blowing singapore town very scaered i do wrong then pei sei caz we need 2 blow then swing at the same time.. Very difficult.. Lets not say anymore caz that will make me scared.... I will tell u all more about 2morrow when i post 2 morrow.. Lets tok about 2day.. 2day really emo about something caz of my birthday n kaymond birthday but the thing i wanted 2 say i am very sorry Joey maybe i really misunderstood u.. But really i thing it is just my thinking.. 2day stay back c Joey run but in the end never c.. Caz i never c.. HAHA! We also c Inygin they all perform.. NICE! 2day Queenie n Jis Wei stead 2day make that Sam very sad.. But also must wish them a happy couple.. 2morrow must report by 7am n must wear red t-shirt..that is early.. Must go now but the last thing i wanted 2 say is that its 4days till my birthday.. Nothing special about it i think... I promise i will poat 2morrow maybe la...