Monday, March 8, 2010



HAHAHAHAHA! Brought her very big present to school then everyone was like looking at me.. Hmmm maybe they jealous someone give me a very Very big present but too bad its not mine o.o
Purposely give Regin the present so no need carry up and down (((: Hope you lyk it!

Then heard form Joey that Ingyin is joining the plan later but part of it only.
Then during A-maths class, the whole class sing a birthday song to her and then i told her that i was not going to East coast then she like totally very unhappy.. Hmmm, but i really have no choice.. Then during recess i went to find Ingyin then i came to canteen find them then Joey tell me Regin damn not happy loh. Well i dun wan her to be sad on her birthday eh.,

HAHAHAHA after school we lied to Regin and make her go to classroom as she recieve her second birthday song of the day (((:

Today according to plan. But i went home to change then Regin went back her house too. Then after i am done, i set out to meet Joey and Min. They brought the cake and we are all set to go (((: Hmm on the way Joey and Min was bust' attacking' each other and i was like always standing in front laughing..

After a few minutes, we reach Regin's house downstairs. The plan was, i go up call Regin come down while Min and Joey prepare the cake. So i went upstairs to call her down.. HAHAHAHA! I was actually laughing when Regin say Joey never reply her then Min is gonna be late.. After Joey called and say they was ready, i brought her down while Min and Joey give her the surprise. HAHAHAHA THE THIRD BIRTHDAY SONG OF THE DAY. Ate the cake while we talk and see the kids at the void deck play.. Hmmm, he wished her a happy birthday eh (:

After when they say they are going off liao, don't feel like going home ma so i went to find Ingyin to ask her to accompany me to the JiaTong's house. At first sited at the void deck wait for her.. Hmmm, i waited for almost an hour before she appear.. Looks like its gonna rain so a little bit don't feel like going liao.. Called JiaTong a few times but she never pick up. So we went to eat while waiting for her to call. Chatted with come of her npcc friend as we waited.. Have a lot of fun laughing at Ingyin and her foolish-ness.. After that her father called her to go home so went home instead of waiting..

hmmmm but i wonder is there sunset there? Cause here in Jurong, its kinda dark O:

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