Sunday, December 26, 2010


Surprise blog post for you! :D
This girl's computer is currently down and the only way to contact her is call her house!
School's reopening. I miss you many many many many many many!♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥
Oh ya, she'll be having band camp on the 27th to 29th.

Saturday, December 11, 2010


The shooting stars i long to see.

Heh, not that bad eh, first one to be in that band room ;D

HAHA, to everyone's surprise eh .

Conducted about 30mins of sectionals.

Instead of continuing,
the Anglican's people came.
So, went down all the way for combine.
Heh, the friendly girl went back early eh, so didn't talk much also.

Heh, then after that time passes fast eh, practices after practices, band end liao.
Stay a while for meeting
Then, went to buy chips then went off to slack at void deck with Greta and Jolene (:
Explore some funny stuff also. *wink*
Talk and talk and talk ;D
HSH, at 6 plus plus.

Seriously, i hate it when you do that eh.
Don't make me hate you eh.

11 days to harmonica concert.
14 days to Christmas.
16 days to fun camp.

21 days to the end of 2010.
23 days to the start of school.


Friday, December 10, 2010

Sister are forever ;D


Two months already leh !
Time passes fast eh, i guess our friendship last more then that though.
Heh, don't wanna type anymore here.
Gonna write everything down on that piece of letter i'm gonna send to you soon ;D
Heh, you promise everything you will tell me one ah.
Sister forever.

P.S Heh maybe the letter will be delay a bit ah ;x


Promises i always remember.

The things you all promise me.
Joey still own me two meals.
Regin still own me one meal.
Well, i can only remember this two things though ;x

Not that bad eh, at least I'm a bit earlier compared to last time ;x
Did some tickets and some arranging of the drawers stuff.
Have one very content lunch with Jolene and Jiayi (:
After that was all in a hurry thing.
Distributing of tickets and band uniform.
HAHA, Mdm Peng make it as if its DAMN CONFIDENTIAL.
Sectionals after that.
Not that bad eh, even though Kenny was not here.
Did some practices then some talking.
Home with Jolene.
HSH, at around 6 plus plus.

Climbed up/down the stairs 1 time each (:

Well, for what you even mention about that eh.
Seriously i think you did it purposely loh.

Heh, what you promise ah!
Well i will always remember what you write at the Christmas card ah (:

Hope the chocolate makes you all happy eh (:

12 days to harmonica concert.
15 days to Christmas.
17 days to fun camp.

22 days to the end of 2010.
24 days to the start of school.


Thursday, December 9, 2010

angels who sacrifice their wings.

Angels never came down
There's no one here they want to hang around
But if they knew, if they knew you at all
Then, one by one, the angels
The angels would fall
Melissa Etheridge, "Angels Would Fall"

Heh, went shopping today (:
Did brought some things i really wanted.
Thanks to a person too(: *wink*
Well, one day without rotting at home.
Wanted to go library do Fnn, but ended up forgetting my textbook ._.
Heh, always like that one leh.
The last time i went there i forget my calculator.
Maybe god don't want me to complete my homework ;D
at 6pm.

Because of me, we drift a part.

1 more day to sistership.
13 days to harmonica concert.
16 days to Christmas.
18 days to fun camp.

23 days to the end of 2010.
25 days to the start of school.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

that sun who shines too brightly.

That path i never did know could be that long.
But its always different when you didn't walk alone (:

Heh, woke up at 6am realising that my parents haven't even woke up x.x
Started preparing and set off to school.
The sky outside is still dark and light blue.
Reach school at around 6.45am
Surprisingly, a lot others already reach already and the school security guard's already there!
After a lot of waiting and carrying of stuff, we went to board the bus.
Heh, started distributing the bread ;D
Shipei (4) Xinhui (2) Cekmin (2) Jiayu and Shinyan (1) Me (3)
Well, not that bad eh, but still left a lot at first.
Kinda sad eh, cause i have to bring home the leftover :\
Reached there after 45mins later.
That's when the rehearsal starts.
A lot of carrying of instruments and arranging of seats was going on.
Lin Sing and Chee How ate (3) pieces of my bread too ;D
Move all the instruments into the hall before going for lunch.
After that was all practices and arranging here and there.
There's also this Anglican's girl whose nice and friendly ;D
And even though we talk like nobody business, we still don't know each other names ;x
Heh, but we are just gonna keep it that way ;D
Board the bus to go back school, at around 4p.m.
Liying and S.Liping finish up the rest of the bread and biscults.
Thanks for finishing my breads and biscuits eh ;D
* Well, till now, still don't have any food poisoning cases reported to me, so i can conclude my breakfast is a good job well done (: *
Short meeting after that before proceeding to have cheese fries with Jolene ;D
Have enough of cheese fries, cheese potato chips, nutella bread and install noodles already x.x
Should really start climbing stairs now or i will be round and fat when school reopen .
HSH at around 6 plus.

Waving away all the mistakes i make today but having a good night sleep and tomorrow will be a even better day ;x

Things always changes.
Thing are not that bad, i guess?


For women, bad men are an episode in life, but they don’t hold onto it. You can insult a bad boy, but you can never insult a guy who treated you right. - Moon Chaewon

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

the stars.

Heh, done with this movie and it ends with a happy ending ;D

Heh, stay at home today too.
Didn't do much things though.
Except for, laying on the same place on the sofa munching on biscuits while watching tv.
Well, did realise i have to start climbing the stairs already.
Did some maths question(s) too.
By a few weeks time, i will be done with all the homeworks ;D
Hmmmm early morning tomorrow.
Make some breakfast for everyone though ;D
So gonna turn in now, nights (:

Forget it then.
I can't do anything.


Monday, December 6, 2010

You smile, i smile.

I wish my smile, was just like this cat (:

Stay at home today and did some homework ;D
Currently, done biology ONLY.
Heh, at least i done one.
Today, all the afternoon shows were NICE .
Well, staying at home is not that bad eh.
Can eat and cook WHATEVER YOU WANT. (:

Done with step up 2, currently moving on to step up 3.

Hmmmmm well, i kinda don't know you anymore.
Yet another plan without me.


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Things that never lie.

The best energy drink that keeps me alive every night ;D

A day for me to eat, watch tv then sleep ;D
Sunday's not that bad when that's show to watch.
Did some maths also.
But i guess only 4 question done and i will leave the rest for tomorrow.
Last then a month to school.

Well, i guess, things's gonna be alright eh.
Sometimes, i did enjoy the time with you eh (:


Friday, December 3, 2010

things you didn't share.

There's always this bear who will always be there when you needed them.
But where's mine?

How am i gonna communicate with you when your answer are always " i don't know ".
You know what? Talking to you sometimes really piss me off.
Asking you for opinion are like asking for your life like that.
Stop laughing everything off eh.
But, i still miss the happy and the fun you.
Faster change back leh, i miss the old you.

You didn't tell me anything.
You didn't share.
You didn't tell me what happen.
You didn't say anything.
Instead, you told other people.
Seriously, what am i to you eh.

Sometimes, i hope you can eat back your own words eh.
Stop thinking like everything has to be in your way.
I had enough eh.
But, i still miss the fun and the best you.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

After rain comes a rainbow.

Different colour means different things.
Just like different person have different feelings.

Band today.
Can't seems to wake up on time for anything.
Not much things for today, practices after practices .
HSH at 6.30pm.

You mean other things to me.
But things changes.

That guy i brought food from say my hair smells nice ;D


OH HEY! You again ;D i know you've been hightlighting this part eh.
Not that i don't know who you are (:

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

randomly looking at you.

Raining like nobody's business now.

Met Regin at Lakeside MRT before setting off the Bugis.
I seriously need a phone soon. Poeple won't be surprise when i went missing.
MOS BURGER FOR LUNCH (: " Saw some hot business guys wearing suits ;x "
After that, went to walk around looking for the tee(s) Regin wants.
Pass by some pretty clothes too (: " Saw some hot salesperson too ;x "
After paying, we was planning to go home one, but who knows, one uncle just *BOOFF* started asking us if we need jobs.
And, we indeed follow him to his so call mini office thinking we will be interview and then after that we can go home but instead, he brought us to his big office.
The funnist thing about him was, while we was walking there, he randomly went around saying *HI* while selling 3D spects and pens.
Encounter some generous guys too who pay him ten bucks.
Seriously, i think this guy's a cheater.
The worst thing was, it was raining heavily.
After one hour plus plus of hearing him talk and walking around, he finally let us off thinking we will call him back -_-
Thinking back, i think its a waste of time, but the good thing is we finally can go home.
Seriously, what's we people nowadays.
Went home, and parted her at around 6.30pm.
How great, one day of aimlessly walking around.

I suddenly have the urgh to treasure you.


You already cross the line by highlighting this part. HEY STALKER! (:

Monday, November 29, 2010

one tree standing alone in a big forest.

Just like how this is now.

Went Regin's house today ;D
Heh, did some catching up instead of completing the maths homework.
Her stories are always VERY interesting though.
Did three question of the maths homework and i started *yawning*
In the end set up plan for tomorrow and what we are gonna do for the next few weeks.
HSH, at 6.30pm (:

Second last day of November.
How great, the school starting in just one more month.

I just realise i have nobody in mind.


Saturday, November 27, 2010

Humans, all the same.

Give up thinking, cause i already have a bad impression of you all.

Hmmm, not sure if its the alarm fault, or my fault.
Well, ITS HOLIDAY though.
Band was, hmmmmm, I've got nothing to say.
Apart from the Jingle bells which give me a little bit of " Christmas feeling " , the rest of the days was, like Sam say, polishing up our songs.
Nothing much to practice about, so we was release earlier.
Then have the usual meeting but this time, but according to Greta, it drag up to like almost reaching 2hours already.
Pretty guilty for letting her wait outside so long ;x
Heh, so went to buy our food first before setting off to walk all the way to Jurong Secondary there with Jolene too,
Well, did some catching up on the way there too ;DD
The blogshop owner was friendly and pretty, so didn't waste our trip there ;D
Bus back to school there then brought some drinks to freshen up while gossiping.
HSH, around 6pm.

Treasure her before its to late eh.
I've seen this situation too much.


Unless something happen, i won't change my impression of you all.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Never will be.


I think the only photo i have of you ALONE
And how great, ITS AN UNGLAM ;D
Not that serious la ;D
Hmmmmm one post all about YOU.
Stop being so lazy, stop dozing off.
I can confirm you don't like .
Please have some opinions of your own, and stop having people to decide what you want.
I seriously dislike that.
Other then that, you are GREAT EH ;D
Alright, that's your post.
Love ya ;D


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Your second glances.

Stay cute and happy always (:
And also hope you like the present we brought for you eh ;DDD

Was still in lala land but Jolene's call woke me up.
Well, to face the truth, not first time already ah, so drag myself out of bed to take the call.
Have to reject the movie invitation with them as today already promise Xinhui to go celebrate MingXuan's birthday already ;D
Heh, but i have the feeling we will meet them somewhere and eventually WE DID!
Was on the bus with Mingxuan, Xinhui, ShiPei, Huiyu and JiaHui when we saw her.
Went Jurong point to walk around see see here see see there.
Found something i really wanna buy but hesitate though.
Really need to get a new slippers too.
Haven decide on buying which phone also.
Sometimes, i hesitate too much.

Hush hush is really a great book eh ♥


Tired of waiting, where the hell are you eh.

Friday, November 19, 2010

things i can't help being jealous about.


So far this few weeks of holidays not bad ah, and i wish it never did end.
The thought of going back to school being a last year student creeps me :\
Time passes fast eh, already 15 years old liao.

Sister just have a new boyfriend (Y)

To my dear sister Regin.
I hope you both last long eh ;D
Please be happy and remember, i will be there for you, always ;D

Not one homework(s) done yet.
Hmmmm, currently i'm in need of money,
Heh, My mum just hired me at home to be the house keeper though ;x
She have been thinking of getting a plan and maybe a new phone for us ;D
They finally understand eh ;D

Done for now, until next time (:


Hmmmmm, its enough though ;D

Monday, November 1, 2010

under the streetlight in the middle of the night.

Drama at Newton 31.10.2010.
Every photos credited from REGIN GWENIZE (:

Have the chance to wear the new heels ♥
Hmmmm, well, finally have the chance to be TALL for one day ;D
Was like going around comparing to each and everyone of them, laughing at them for calling me short in the past ;p
Went to LJS for lunch at IMM with Regin, Jolene and Jiayi before meeting Kenny and JingXin.
The drama overall quite okay but then i still prefer the last time one.
This one like no ending leh, didn't even realise it ended already.
HSH at 11pm.
silence do count under the street light.
Didn't realise i was late until BoonLing called.
URGH, totally forgotten today have school -.-
Well was already late, so took my time while showering and drying up my hair before proceeding to school.
Totally late for English so straight away went for Biology.
Break time then maths lastly chinese.
Don't really have the feeling i just studied :\
Went home to bath then out again.
Head out to HKE with Regin first before meeting Jolene.
Well, saw all kinds of weird people(s).
HSH, at 6pm.

Just gonna drag myself out of bed tomorrow, maths period first, can't afford to miss it.


hmmmmm i already had in mind what to say already.
Just that i don't know how to put everything in one word.
What if this won't work out.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

what to do x.x

I hope i can forever lock my report book inside the drawer ;x

Went shopping today! (:
At least i completely forgotten about the results thingy ;x
Brought new heels and new accessories (:
Proceed on to Regin's house after that.
Heh, really the seaweed not bad ah ;D
And Regin, I'm still taller then you even though you wear your highest heels ;p *GRIN*
Well, somehow, I'm looking forward to our girls night out on Sunday (:
Its the last day of school today! LIKE REAL -.-
Well still must add on to the extra lesson next week, URGH.
Band tomorrow.
I feel empty without any phones x.x


P.S all the dedication coming soon! (:

Hmmm looking back at all the old photos and texts make me want the old memories to come back more..

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My wishing stars.

My wishing stars.
Once, i use to wake up late at night looking up at the sky.
Among the stars, i look for the stars who is the brightest and biggest.
But i hesitate.
Because I'm too afraid to wish for what my true heart desire.

It's Wednesday! (:
Heh, well thought of coming to school late today but in the end was drag out of bed by my mum.
Tired max eh x.x
Have two very meaningful lesson for A-maths, getting a little bit piss eh.
Just can't get the stupid functions right.
Geography we have map reading.
Then the rest of the lesson all slack slack one.
At the end of school, we have some mini class gathering.
Just wanna say a BIG THANK YOU to Mr Nazri and Mr Yeo for taking care of us this few months ;D
Band after that.
Hmmmm, don't know why Sabrina never come today.
Heh, well not that bad la, just that i don't understand why i keep saying the wrong thing ;x
Tomorrow getting back report book eh x.x
Just hope that i at least have some A(s) *cross finger* ;x
Okay, should end my post here.
At that moment, i thought we were back to normal eh.


Heh, finally the truth eh. I dunnoe where should i start.
I really miss the time, we have fun together ):

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A wishing well.

A wishing well.
I use to throw coins inside the wishing well while making a wish thinking it will come true.
But thinking about it, i laugh it off because i just throw away my money.
Wishes that will never come true.

Well, Tuesday.
Today's lesson also a lot of free period also.
Hmmmm Teacher also manage to show us an example of an m18 movie ;x
Went to our routine slacking place after school.
I think i manage to loss 1kg ba after walking around Regin's house like 3 times ;x
Well, not much time to post a lot so, that's all for today.


To that someone.
Heh, thanks eh, at least your words make me smile (:

i just laugh it off, thinking its impossible.