Friday, May 14, 2010


Me and Cassidy 02.05.2010

Well today exams are FINALLY OVER EH!
Don't have to stay up late at night memorise notes.
And that comes with a prize eh.
HAHAHA, recieve my IC today.
Does that means i can watch NC-16 movie already? :D

You cannot wait ah?
Scold scold scold, only know how to scold all those bad words only.
We come first right?

Well, certainly me won't go home after exam right?
HAHAHAHA so set off to MingXuan's house to meet Cass they all.
HSH at about 4.30p.m
Seriously it feels so wrong today.

Well, even after the exams are over, but it will eventually come again eh.
Maybe even more intense.

I really dunnoe what to do eh.
I rather you shot me back with all those colourful language rather then we not talking eh.

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