Wednesday, July 8, 2009



went 2 sch
did the same thing over n over again in the morning..
take tmperture then went 4 lessons..
went 2 different lab 2day..
feel so big n different inside..
must remember the first 10 element in the periodic table..
sian lor..
Ms Tan show some videos 2 us..
thought not going 2 run or throw any balls
but then in the end our relieve pe teacher Mr Lin let us hav pe..
feel very weird wearing pe caz long time never wear it already lor..
some simple warm up then went 4 our ball game..
play bal with Seri,Joey,Fiona,Farhana,Pannu n Ming Zhen...
Ingyin,Winni,Yardana Yi Huan they all went 2 play basket ball instead
then Regin they all play volleyball..
then half of the boys play soccer then the other half went 2 play basketball..
throw here throw there..
just wish the ball won't hit me..
somethings over there just make me smile all the way ;D
should hav play ****** lor..
y did i 4get?
eat eat eat lor..
everyday also eat the same thing..
rice plus curry plus 1 chicken..
eat with Kahman,Ingyin,Wan Xin,Joey,EiEi..
no assembly 2day so went 4 lesson with Miss Ang..
every1 was lyk doing their own things instead of litsening 2 wat she was saying..
then Ingyin n i was touching each other ;D
polishing our nails..
took our temperture after that..
sian lor..
just slack in the harmonica band rm..
slack here just copy wat teacher write 4 us..
sian lor..
Ms Tan was lyk scolding us we never pass up the hw full attendence be4..
hais sad right?
slack n just with the com..
never hear wat Mr Wilson say..
after that was thinking of whr 2 go..
so Joey say go Ingyin's hse..
so,Joey,Ingyin,Khan,Peng How n me went 2 Ingyin's hse..
sit in the bus with Shi Pei (the person who kick my butt)
then chit chat with her..
sfter that Peng How they all say wan eat instant noodles so we all eat instant noddles..
me n Joey share then Peng How n Ingyin share last but not the least Khan eat his share too..
cook 4 all of them but went 2 watch the 3.30 show so left Joey cookin 4 Khan..
after we ate finish Joey n Khan went into the rm then left me watching tv..
the Ah Fan darn clever lor..
after that watch finiah the show went in then they say they wan take pic..
so join them..
after taking Penh How started 2 play ball..
i hate balls so was hiding under Ingyin n EiEi bedsheet..
he keep throwing the balls around then Ingyin they all start fighting
then Khan was lyk taking a video of it..
play play play then Joey took out Ingyin's the straighten hair thingy..
then we started playing my hair first then after that Peng How 1..
he was lyk walao very de ugly lor..
but all of us say it look nice on him..
then Joey 1..
after that ask Ingyi help me do my whole hair..
caz wanted 2 try if it look nice if i reborn..
but then the end product it super super nice.
not bad lor..
then EiEI came back..
after that we help Khan..
his hair darn short then very difficult..
but thx 2 Ingyin n Peng How,they did it!
Khan was darn happy..
after Khan was finish,we went home after that..
Joey took the Mrt then left me,Khan n Peng How..
tookk 98..
chit chat on the bus..
say bye 2 Peng How then walk home with Khan..
rush home bath then do the Geo hw..
hopes that 2morrow performance very de nice then also very FUN!

dun think i hav hope any more lor..
maybe 2morrow..
i really wish something will happen 2morrow..
but then wat will be the conclusion 4 us?

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