Friday, July 24, 2009


it all started when Mrs Poh lesson ended..
Joey went 4 CCA then Ingyin n PengHow went 2 hav 'their tok'
i was in the classroom listening 2 songs..
Sam saw me very sian lyk that so he went 2 hav a walk with me outside the sch 2 go find yi xaing they all..
all the way tok about Ingyin n Joey thingy..
then was toking about Peng How too..
after that went 2 the basketball court at the HuiYi thr
but no 1 thr..
so went 2 Mac find them..
saw hefeng,cheehow,mevlyn,yixiang,jiawei,ignatius n their frens..
c them play then chat with Sam too..
they were lyk saying porn mistress is scared of balls..
was thinking that they were DARN COOL!
especially when they score..
after tht they went 2 drink..
min kai join in later..
after siting thr 4 sometime,ask sam 2 go back..
then the group was all going jurong spring..
so say bye bye 2 them n went back 2 class..
saw hafiz..
then Muz told me Joey will came back at 3.30.
after that Ingyin,Said,Khan came back..
hav some fun playing 2gether..
Ingyin they all will hav cca at 2.30..
so will be alone after Ingyin they all go 4 cca..
then hav some fun laughing 2gether..
after when it was 2.30,follow Ingyin 2 np..
then after saying bye bye 2 her..
went back 2 class..
on the way saw EiEi..
Hafiz came back after i reach the class.
i still hav 1 more company(:
chat all the way with Hafiz..
he was lyk telling me alot of joke..
then we was lyk laughing at each other..
after 4 some time,EiEi came up n look 4 us..
she told me Ingyin told her we alone her here
so she came up n join us..
play play play..
after that she went down..
then me n Hafiz started doing our hw again..
he was darn CUTE(:
after about sometime,EiEi came up n play with us again..
took some photo
she went down again then Joey came back..
tell her 2 finish the project then i took some photo of Hafiz gardian..
darn CUTE LOR!
after that chat n tok 4 about sometime..
Hafiz needed 2 going home already
so Joey n me decided 2 go out n eat cheesefries..
after went down c the ncc then saw Hafiz
then ask Kahman whr EiEi..
but then she say EiEi lyk sot something on went home already..
dunnoe wat happen 2 her..
then went out with Hafiz..
after that say bye bye 2 him..
saw 1 man selling tissues..
after brought the cheesefries n we went back 2 sch n eat.
eat eat eat sw some scouts..
then took some pic..
after that told Joey 2 follow me go out buy water..
so went out buy apple tea..
after that went back n c the npcc..
but then only ncdcc were in the parade ground
saw we sit at the near the gym thr..
jing yu was walking past
so Joey ask him went ncc end..
he ask y,
so Joey say say he wanting 4 Sam..
then he say o.o then he was lyk dun wan 2 admit his name then he use my name instaed..
after some pestering,he say 5.45 then end..
after that continue our tok
was lyk toking alot of shit 2 Joey..
she told me some secrets too..
i told her some of the bad things i wrote in my blog about them too..
told her that i dun hav any best fren in sdh..
she was lyk SMACKING MY FACE..
but then i can tell her something..
no1 really undersatnd me
no 1 noe my darkest secret..
sry hor..
was lyk toking about Ingyin they all..
after that the npcc people came down
so went 2 sit at the other place..
then tok again..
noe y already..
LOLS Ingyin u r too sensitive..
after sometime,the ncc came..
so we move 2 the other side..
was lyk watching the ncc they all..
then the Jing Yu suddenly say sam ur girlfren waiting 4 u..
Joey was lyk hiding behind me sa i noe wat was happening..
darn all the people in the ncc was lyk laughing at Joey..
after that the npcc n ncc finish..
tok with Ingyin nher problem with the npcc people..
then after that went classroom 2 take our bag
after that went down waited 4 Peng how..
the he dunnoe at whr so waited 4 him..
Ingyin n Joey was lyk started 2 say out wat their problems..
then i told them i hated them..
then Ingyin told me wat Joey told me
n i was lyk trying not 2 laugh..
help muzz took the project photo..
after 4 sometime peng How came n we all went home..
at the gate Sam was waiting 4 us..
we was lyk laughing at joey..
so all the things ended..
it has been days since i saw u..
when r we going 2 meet n tok again?

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