Saturday, March 7, 2009

is a heart attack day..

2day went 4 band..
was litsening 2 my bro handphone..
then reach just as the right time
c yin ching n evelyn
then follow them 2 the band rm
then started playing walzer..
then pratice until 10.45
go 4 break..
then cum back pratice again..
1.30 sectional
then about 1 hour finish..
pratice 4 half an hour then went home..
waiting 4 Greta as she wan eat..
again she lent me $
own her $2.50
then decided 2 go 2 our own place 2 chat..
so in the end we went there but
poeple is sitting there but be4 that she saw her fren
she was lyk screaming when she saw 'that person' there..
then she call her fren..
then after that we went 2 find a place 2 sit..
but seems lyk every seat is occupy
so in the end we go the other side withouy her fren spotting us..
i was eating joey loliipop by then..
it smell lyk peach..
finally we find a seat..
but guess who i c..
i thought i c major
but greta think i kok eye
but i was thinking maybe i really kok eye
wow the greta never c lor..
then we was lyk toking 2 each other..
very funny lor..
then walk past there really major lor..
she say hi 2 us(:
then we go back 2 that block near the basketball court whr her frens was..
greta say sit behind the will behind them
while we was there we was taking photo..
but suddenly,we hear basketball coming..
so me n her run away..
but in the end she call her fren then her fren say is some1 got bang on the wall..
wow 1st heart attack..
then we went back 2 sit on the wall infront of that wall we just sit..
we was sitting there taking photo again..
greta was playing her octave..
but u noe in the end wat happen?
that person cum running here..
then i was thinking he is just a passer by
but he is NOT!
the greta tell me 2 run then i was lyk wondering whr
then she tell me run up the stairs..
so in the end i follow
2nd heart attack..
i was thinking i dun think they noe whr we r
but NO!
that person cum running here!
3rd heart attack
but he run down rather then cum up..
greta call her fren then she tell me they cuming here..
we run 2 the other side relising there is no stairs or lift
so we run up..
finally LIFT!
greta call her fren in the lift but u noe wat?
they was standing just outside the lift!
4th heart attack..
if i am not wrong
it was jun wen n jia yi..
wow it was surprising man..
but in the end we went back 2 the seats..
finally it endded..
after sitting there look here look there,
its time 2 go home..
with her 2 frens,we went back home..
lets just stop here..
will post more the next day n maybe sum more photo(:

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