Friday, March 27, 2009


my blog is dying again..

finally boon ling hav her freedom(:
her parents just went malaysia..
good 4 her..
then in the end in the morning find out that i 4get 2 bring my score n harmonica..
first lesson.
Geography.. the test was okok but i first question already wrong 2 question..
less chance me will be going
then art lesson
draw the figure again then help it design some chothes
first time i draw so nice(:
chinese lesson..
4get 2 do maths correction so int he end do here..

the joey go tell me she tell people about the geography test things then i was lyk thinking how could she do that? I noe she dun wan go but it is very unfair 4 the people who 1 go lor.. But aiya nvm lor..

then so pity the teacher..
nobody is LITSENING 2 HER
then maths lesson next..
maths quiz
then english..
then Ingyin bf wan her 2 go out n eat she wan me go so i follow
but the bad thing is Joey 4get 2 bring the history thing..
then i was shocked.
then farhana,ming zhen also..

then in the end mrs mishra say yeaterday already give us a chance already so she will not w8 4 us then in the end she also say monday give her the project but no marks will be given 4 the presentation marks.. Then me n ingyin was thinking aiya nvm la.. But then the Joey dunnoe lyk angry then she go slam the table.. Then me n ming zhen was lyk thinking WTH HAPPEN 2 HER..

then went 2 tell farhana 2..
she is emoing outside the classrm~
then the Ingyin go find joey n jes 2 tok
but then the jess or the joey go tell her she pang seh her..
then she ask joey wat happen but then the joey in the end say nothing
ingyin was lyk wth
then she went out the classrm without toking.
i follow her but then she was very sad..
i went 2 find jess they all ask her wat happen then they tell me nothing
then lyk i ask them question they tok half way say nothing..
the jess tell me is joey tell her 1 then i was lyk asking her
then she say ok already..
when i went back 2 tell ingyin she was GONE!
then i went 2 find her by then cannot find
so in the end i went 2 stand at the railing wondering whr she went
then suddenly i saw her near the home econ rm thr..
i went down but then she was gone again..
then i wonder here only got 2 place 2 go insid the toilet or the outside thr..
i think she cannot be in the toilet so i went outide..
went 2 tok 2 her
then she started crying again..
aiya frens hav alot of problem lor..
then alot of people call her
but then all dunnoe whr she was..
then joey sms her saying wat is the problem..
ingyin tell them is at the first floor thr
but then only her bf manage 2 find her..
so i went 2 tell him take care of her..
then i went up 2 find joey n jess
but then they was not thr
i went 2 find hui xian..
then she lend me her phone 2 call joey but the joey bro tell me joey was holding his phone
so i call the no.
first time i call was wrong number..
that person was a indian!
so i ask wat is the no again..
then in the end i find out is wrong
so hui xian call jess..
but then they say she not thr..
then i went 2 call joey bro phone again
then hui xian ask me 2 give her the phone in case i call wrong no. again..
call trough then they say they coming back
but the wait until nobody cum..
jia xin n yu min went up n find me asking me if i going band..
but then i say i never bring the things
then 2day i found out that hui xian also hav her own fren problem..
then also alot of peolple cry 2day lor..

aiyo then finally the joey they all cum back then i ask them wat happen then she tell me she already message ingyin already..

after asking finish she went band..
then i went back 2 jia xin..
we was lyk toking then suddenlt the shu yi cum..
then she tell us 2 go band..
the shu yi tell me 2 go home take the score n the harmonica
but then i ws wondering wat if the point?
then i was perparing 2 went home
but then saw ingin halfway..
ask her whr she went then she say she wnt out with her bf..
i tell her i was going home 2 take the things
then she tell me 2 tell them wat i really wan..
so i went 2 tell them but then they still dun undertand
i went home..
be4 that i say goodbye 2 ingyin n hui xian as they r going 2 npap..
then wnet home sweating..
eat first then went back again..
saw hafiz the he tell me 2 fight back..
went 2 pratice then pratice until 4..
polising my nails(:
then reach 3.45 already then went 4 break..
the shu yi ask me y so late cum back then i tell her i went 2 eat..
then she scold me..
then the min er walk with me asking i very sian ah?
i say YES!
min er was so nice!
then went in 2 pratice again..
then they say about the reharsal next week..

monday speech day reharsal..
tuesday syf reharsal (7 to11)am
then we also need 2 go
pratice until 5 then go home..
went back 2 classrm
saw hafiz,khan,sam n 1 more girl..
i thought she was a malay but then the hafiz tell me she was JESS!
then went 2 play guitar in the last classrm..
then walk the second floor with sam n hafiz..
went back 2 classrm with hafiz after that..
then the sam show us his paper plate things he make 4 hui xian
the joey cum up then they was taking photo
eiei n adilah also cum up our classrm(:
then dadada~
aiya then they went home without me..
alone in he classrm
then went home after that..
buy a bread
then guess who i saw?
aiyo the bread drop alot of times lor..
then on the way thinking

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