Saturday, April 18, 2009

speech day yesterday(:

photos taken during speech day(:

xin wei picture dunnoe y blur blur 1..

wooo~ Alson n Joey(:

feel lyk sleeping all the way..
feel lyk dying also..
then in geography lesson the video was so boring..
art lesson then the muzz darm funny..
joey c my face then she tell me my face lyk i very sick lyk that..
then ingyin lyk very restless n emo.
after srt
going 4 the sound check thingy..
not eating anything caz later vomit how?
saw eugene then ask him got any poeple inside..
went in was darm cold~
4get 2 bring my harmonica
but did they tell me 2 bring or i was not litsening..
should be i not litsening caz every1 got bring exerpt 4 me
aiyo then left with no chioce just 2 sit thr lor
after that they say the sound check was delay then they give us break
dun feel lyk eating anything so went back 2 class 2 take my water bottle..
the chinese teacher was lyk asking me u specially cum down n take 1 ah?
then i was lyk NO!
went back 2 chinese class..
the same old class..
the same old tricks also..
melvyn n chang play with my hair
then wei feng dunnoe saying wat couple cpl thing..
dun care
just feel lyk sleeping alll the way.
after chinese lesson finish went back 2 canteen
saw yi huan n yu min
then slowly jia xin n shi hui join us..
after a few mins went back in
when they was blowing all the song..
u noe wat am i doing thr?
really lor..
darm tired..
cannot stand it already
call sam if can go already
then he tell me 2 go ask mdm peng
dunnoe if she will let me go
so thinking of wat 2 say
but then mdm peng suddenly look at me then ask me y never bring harmonica
then i tell her i 4get
ask her if i can go home caz having cold n fever
she touch my head then say ok u later dun need 2 cum already
i tell her c first lor
then went off
while was going 2 the gate muzz ask me 2 go home
then i tell him ok(:
went 2 classroom
pack my bag then realise my water bottle not thr
but think aiya they will put it thr 1
so went down..
saw muzz n alot of people
tell him i going home already
'no guihong no'
walk all the way..
realise i will faint if i never sit down..
so try 2 walk faster but leg also pain..
first thing i did was open the door..
take off my shoes then sit on the sofa..
look at my bro then SLEEP!
sleep 4 about 1 hours plus then wake up..
still a little bit sleepy..
cool down a bit
sit down thr thinking if i should go or not
aiya 1 time a year ma then if never go feel lyk not worth it..
went 2 take a bath..
after that change into band uniform..
still thinking whether 2 go
then ask my parents
they tell me 2 decide by myself so i go lor..
i think i feeling much better now ba..
so went 2 take bus instead of walking..
was litsening 2 songs when i saw farah at the bus stop!
was easily 2 spot as our uniform was bright!
talk with her then take the bus with her..
she tell me the reporting time is delay until 3.30
she also tell me the sound check was until 12.45!
would hav sleep on the floor by then
changing my shoes at the bus-stop
went back 2 class room while farah went 2 canteen..
thought 2 1 was thr but in the AINI NN HAFIZ!
was so happy 2 c them..
aini ask me how i noe they was thr
then i tell her i always cum 2 the classroom^^
aini also show me wat they did 4 mrs mishra
then after they went 4 the price giving thing then left with me.
went 2 sleep..
the people who walk past scared me..
so went 2 litsening 2 song n dozing off too..
after that waited until 3.30 went 2 band room after that..
saw liying they all
went in but then must pin up the hair so went outside again..
weron ask me y my face lyk give her the looks that i du wan 2 cum..
but then i tell her i was sick
she touch me lyk i was a a very sick pet..
i tell her i dun hav the ribbon so help me take 1.
went inside then she tell liying n ask sam if he got any panadol
but then he say if he hav he wont give.
went 2 c mdm peng too
she ask me just now i thought u not coming already..
but u ok 2 go?
then from that time onwards alot of people was lyk asking me u ok?
after some mins saw veron coming back then she giv me the medicine she buy 4 me..
after that she ask me 2 spare her a tissue..
then finally band started..
was lyk using alot of tissue..
AH CHHOO CHOOOO all the way..
then yin cheng n evelyn was lyk asking me i ok or not..
break then went 2 toilet..
after that pratice pratice
but i am blad that liying,shuyi n other second high people will sometime turn around n look at me if i was fine..
after that went up the stage..
cannot even blow caz was lyk using tissue everytime..
but then went back 2 band room then they tell us was better then the sound check 1..
every was lyk screaming^^
then 2day also full attendence!
water was given out..
then went 2 take section photo..
my nose was darm red at that time..
went 2 eat then also taken some photos with my frens..
then after that dismissed!
ever1 was lyk telling me get well soon!
change shoe again then saw joey..
tell jia xin n yu in 2 go home first..
take photo with her
n she wih alson also take photo
went home after that..

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