Friday, June 27, 2008

missing u..

That guy was like make me so happy!^^ His hair looks very funny but i think it rox on him.. He is just so cool with that hair. AH...just cant stop thinking about him n also taking my eyes of him.. Everyday is like must c him 1 time or else emo in my class. It just like MK did not come 2 sch..(I am saying last time.) That handsome guy must have very big condition with girls.. He is just so attrative caz some1 say that 1 girl like her. Well.. the only thing i noe is that he is more handsome then MK n maybe(I say maybe only..)better than him.. Its a surprise.. YA! Just hope 2 c him again maybe 2morrow. Just c him 1 time make me dam happy like the first time some1 stead with me..

Thursday, June 26, 2008

love is so powerful..

Sry haven post 4 many days.Very lazy..^^ Nowdays really wan 2 cry.. Yesterday that Sam Teo make me fall down! I was like dam pei sei.. Fuck him. I was like hate him so much wat the use of helping him. Well...nowdays when i saw some1 that person will surely make me dam happy 1.. That person is...cannot tell u.. He is like dam handsome.. Is like cant take my eyes off him..He rox.. But somehow never c him that day will become very sian then become emo.. It is just so bad i am not a like i c him wan 2 aviod him..dunnoe why c him like hate him.. n like keed on saying he sux. 2day Queenie dam funny. She is like so cute treat me as a charity organiza..She call herself Miss Nie manager.Then she donate 1million dollar 2 me. HAHA! The check she draw very creative. 2day Mo Jo Jo go 4 syf dunnoe how is it. 2day the Alvin also very funny. Is like nowdays i just wan 2 find a guy that can be with me so that Joey will not c me emo again. I just hope that something can happen..N that thing can let me remember 4ever.. The power of love is just so great.. If it ends like the first 1,i could only said dun cry caz it ended smile caz it happen. Prefects.. Cing that all my frens become a prefect,i am so proud of them. Hope that i day i will become 1 in the future n serve the sch better..Or maybe 4 other reasons..

Monday, June 23, 2008

the first day of sch

First day of sch sucks! Wake up so early! Zzzzzzz.. YIPEE! Miss Ang not our form teacher! Now is Mr Johnny Ng. So bad first day of sch got bad news. Swimming lesson! I hate swimming! Last time i got learn but dunnoe few days later quit. Very scary! Now time table change. Mr Gerard now our geography tescher. Some teacher new. Wat do u noe? Did not tok 2 him 2day n do not wan 2 c him. Well its good 2 c my fren again. But still got alot of hw. GTG BB!^^

Sunday, June 22, 2008

sch sucks

Sorry long time haven post com spoil but 2 day suddenly can on. Yesterday go 2 library with Joey,Kaymond n Khan. We go there 2 do our hw but in the end we tok instead. Do u all wan me 2 post more about him? If u all wan pls tag. Left with 1 more days n it is sch. Is not that i hate sch but is caz that we need 2 get up so early. Sometime i enjoy sch but sometime i hate it. Dunnoe wat 2 post 2morrow at sch then i say wat happen. I just hate sch....

Sunday, June 15, 2008

by myself

I have been thinking if he like some other girl who will that girl be? That girl must be very nice. That is only my thinking if he is really stress then break then lets 4get it. But it seems like the other way... Lets tok about something else... No person 2 miss..HAHA! I just hope that 1 more will come. Sec is starting n holiday r ending...Time passes so fast..More hw is coming. I am going 2 do my BEST!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

normal life

I dunnoe why but i just dun feel that sad when he break with me. Maybe i already dun like him already..that wat i feel about him now...But when i stead with him a first i felt so relax n happy but now i just dun feel it.I just feel nothing..zi min said 4get the realtionship i also agree n that is wat i am doing now.But 1 thing i will do is be normal fren with him. Wat if he walk past me? Well..lets just said hi 2 himn pretend nothing happen. A new term is starting n i will 4get everything i hope...

Friday, June 13, 2008

heart broken

Its 67 days ..... N it ended.....All the happy time we have 2gether is in the past. We r now normal frens caz we break up..... I dunnoe is caz of who but if this way is better 4 him then lets break up. I just dunnoe how 2 tok 2 him in class. We dun use our mouth 2 tok but we use paper,man or phone. Well .. i dunnoe wat u all said but this is how we tok. The reason he said he wan 2 break is caz of my frens. I dunnoe wat is wrong with my frens but 1 thing i noe is that all my frens treat me very well. Frens is 2ever. Joey n Inygin treats me 2 well so if he said is the 2 of them, i surely stand on my fren this side.I just dunnoe wat wrong with my frens ... i just hope he give me some reasons that i think i can agree... ALL OVER..........