Friday, July 30, 2010

things that are done, can't be undone.

Seriously, he looks good with the glasses on ;D
he looks stupidly cute when he dances too ;D

HO HO HO HO! Hmmmm, well didn't have much time to come here and post, not that i am not keen to ;D Had been going home late. Its will be one there where my father will go make police report loh ;x But is them who is against the idea of me getting a plan and a phone, so when i disappear, they won't know where i went. Didn't wanna post much anyway. Heh, competition coming up in two more days. We will win something one ;D
Opening ceremony today, viewing competition tomorrow, then concert and workshops on Sunday. Haiyo then follow by A-maths commom test, biology test, chemistry test then English test. Sigh.

If you even care, if you even bother.
If you even give a damn about what i do for you,
I won't end up thinking about this.

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