Saturday, November 28, 2009

moving on..

Love Quote Pictures, Images and Photos
hmmmm nowadays very seldom post..
cause maybe playing audition or very lazy..
also nobody tagged so i think no need to post so much..
well currently just done some question only and i throw it a side..
i wish i have alot of money now..

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

everything happen for a reason.

Love Quote Pictures, Images and Photos
har today finally decide to do my homework(:
but then hor i dun even noe where that was and my pencil box also..
oooooo thats too bad but then eventually find it ==
well started doing but it seems lyk i forget how to do maths ><
har but then stop halfway and eventually put the homewrok a side cause went to play audition.. well thats too bad (:
watch drag me to hell with my borthers and even prepare food for them..
haha congratz Joey on coming to 3E7(:

Saturday, November 21, 2009

har a post(:

hmmmm haven post for a while liao..
this week have been going out..
har watch 2012(:
you can't affort to miss any part in this movie..
nowadays also watching th prince of tennis so very lazy to post..
har Joey posted the pictures we took on monday.
screen through some of the photos took in the past too..
now then i realise in the past i was lyk that xD
so much memories..
hmmm haven done my homework.
also dunnoe what to do la..
until next time~

Monday, November 16, 2009


cute qoute! Pictures, Images and Photos
today wake up at 9a.m..
completely late for the meeting time cause of yesterday..
but then eventually reach there at 9.45a.m.
hahaha but the time i reach there Regin, Zi Min and Joey already finish their food liao..
went to repair the phone first but then my brother's phone not Singapore de so must pay then can repair..
so expensive so dun wan repair liao.
ooo thats too bad.
then we set off to Bugis.
Regin brought tops
then we shop around..
took photos every where..
hmmm they are having fun(:
then we went to took neoprint.
the photos will bring back memories de xD
then after walking around playing around we went home..
indeed we have alot of fun (:
today Ingyin SOT SOT LIAO.
i dun really knows whats the problem.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Love Quote Pictures, Images and Photos
today wake up early in the morning to go to band..
yawn i am soooo sleepy~
today Li Ying never come so Li Ping become our section leader today(:
hahahaha she is so nervous..
went for sectional today.. have fun in sectional(:
after that break.
with Xin Hui they all..
then after that receive my new deluxe harmonica !
but then drop at the first day.
oooooo thats too bad.
that stay back with Li Ping, XinHui, Shi Pei, Cek Min, Xin Wei, Cindy and Jenis for extra practice for walzer.'
after practicing finish we went to play Li Ping's phone(:
then the alumni came and make of us xD
boy voyage Li Ping~
aiyo next week..
dunnoe what will happen lei.
i will never have a place.

Friday, November 13, 2009


quotes. Pictures, Images and Photos
yesterday sells..
hmmm me and Cindy sell 6..
then earn about $10++..
reach home at about 12.30am
so today overslept.
then never go the IT thingy..
today know result.
next year class 3e7
then take A-maths bio chem fn..
haha same class with Regin..
but then Joey go 3e8..
Joey ah Joey..
next year..
its sooo hard to guess whats going to happen.
nowadays watch prince of tennis until very shiok (:
the years going to end..
i have nobody but myself.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


LOVE iS LiKE WAR Pictures, Images and Photos
hmmmmm today..
watch television while messaging..
today the ice-cream sell will be at Sengkang..
hmmm even further then yesterday one lor..
haha but then yesterday i told my mum the venue was at Hougang then very far never go then she scold me lazy..
hmmmm so going today.
but then it will be a long long trip..
tomorrow see result.
next year all depends on tomorrow.
not very worry..
dunnoe today how many ice-cream are me and Cindy going to sell today..
wish me luck today (:

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


loveee Pictures, Images and Photos
hmmmm today seems bored.
wake up early today too.
watch television while messaging Regin..
today suppose to go work de
but then seems lyk the venue to far liao then Jia Hui also not going..
so never go.
but then tomorrow will be with Cindy..
wish the venue will be somewhere nearer.
talk to Gret, Anle and Chee How while is my turn to use the computer..
hmmmm both my brothers went out liao.
so i have my own free time(:
well watch the land of the blindfolders and prince of tennis..
then play a little bit of audition..
hmmm he never online nowadays lei..
2 more days to result..
holiday homework also not done..
completely forgotten about that..
wanted to go shopping today at the accessories shop de to buy earings all this..
but then is not fun to go alone.
maybe another day ba
but then dunnoe whether i will regard lei..
wish me good luck for the sells tomorrow <3333
he just won't learn.

Monday, November 9, 2009


sillly thinking Pictures, Images and Photos
Monday have to go out with Regin (:
went her house first then wait for her to be ready..
then she invited Chee How and Yi Xiang..
took the bus while she talk about her long long story..
hmmmm sometimes thinking before you decide is still better..
then went to meet Chee How first before going CJ to repair Regin's phone..
at first dunnoe where itis but eventually we found it in the end..
it took very long so dun wan wait liao go find Yi Xiang.
then after that took taxi first before taking 502 all the way to Orchard.
went Ion Orchard then we went Wisma..
hmmm Regin did buy alot of thing like a woman..
if i have a job like her i confirm can anyhow buy things lor..
well a little disappointed in the end..
but indeed have fun walking around.
Yi Xiang and Chee How got very pestering..
maybe next time i go, i will comfirm buy something home..
just maybe..

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Memories Pictures, Images and Photos
was watching animes nowadays..
can't post much today..
see ya next time xD

Friday, November 6, 2009


Happy Pictures, Images and Photos
i realise ALL my holiday homework is not touch by me..
today wake up at 9.24..
then went to do the housework first before using the computer..
after yesterday match at audition, i was very desperate to play it again..
hmmm yesterday meet a guy call Kwa.
he lived at Australia and was 18 yeard old..
he was a half Chinese and half Vietnamese..
meet him while i was hoping around room by room..
i was playing with a group of them ma then i was winning..
but then i dunnoe he can chance..
in the end he was first i was second..
then everyone went after a few games ma so i went out also..
after that i went in to play brbp.
i saw him, he was the dj and he say hello to me..
i remember he was the guy who play normal with with me just now de..
so i started playing with him..
cause i use to chain in beat rush ma, so i help them win alot of game..
hahaha i was thinking you win me normal i win you beat rush(:
then i think we play for about 9 matches then i only help them lost one..
my highest record yesterday was x14 then that was the last match..
he added me as his friends..
haha so proud to have a nice friend lyk him..
then today lei..
he played with me..
while playing, thats how i noe he was 18..
hmmm he say something weird just now..
maybe its how their country talked..
he is quite a nice guy..
chatted with Regin also..
she will *ahem ahem* tomorrow..
hmmmm ow nothing to post liao..

Thursday, November 5, 2009


the kinda girl Pictures, Images and Photos
yesterday watch television until 12.30am..
American got talent and the moment of truth..
wow the man broke his family de heart just for cold hard cash..
today wake up slightly later cause in the morning don't need drag myself to school..
then my house got nothing so the only thing that attract me is the computer lor..
so the first place i went was my msn.
hmmmmm saw Joey and Regin online.
aiyo Regin ah who else is the friendly one?!
maybe you forgotten what i tell you in the past liao..
must be careful of what i write in my personal message wor..
i realise she will come and check then go ask me..
so must write something not too personal de..
hmmmm nothing to do liao so went to play audition..
ummm played beat rush with one guy who dunnoe how to perfect..
then ask me.
then i think what i say make him even confuse lor..
aiyo boy boy train more la..
then after he went out, went to play normal alone..
then now messaging Regin then dunnoe what to chat about liao..
now stack at the topic on storybook.
i hope Monday will come sooner cause can go out shopping with her..
but then Joey need go for the band outing then never go eith u..
then maybe go find job..
what if i have to skip band to go to work?
hmmmm i dunnoe lei..
but i really need money for alot of things now..
later on still have performance at the temple until night..
nothing to post liao so signing off xD

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Quotes. Pictures, Images and Photos
hmmmm today have to wake up early..

danm bored still need to go to school for the nyaa thingy wearing uniform..
then reach school waited for EiEi, Kenny, Farah.
then Ms Lim tell us complete the booket..
so we went canteen do while toking.
then while doing the thingy, was messaging Regin..
went home at about 12pm..
then went buy food.
i dunnoe in the year 2009 i have done something so foolish..
for example ..
(a) i stalk someone using phone.
(b) waited for the 'him' after school and in the end have to go home alone.
(c) throw a ball but eventually i was scared that it will hit me.
(d) hahaha my admirer thrown a ball at me and i eventually happy.
well now can't think of all so maybe next time then i continue ><
Regin going to finish work liao.
hoping that she will get the job for me.
tomorrow have performance at some temple..
so wish me luck that at night when i go home alone.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

after band..

well eventually went to band after that.
saw Cassidy, Jia Hui they all..
Shi Pei was laughing at the morning thing..
she got nerve man.
today blow three new songs for the performance at Thursday
Greta seems weird today..
then play with Cek Min during practice..
went break with Xin Hui.
was selected to go for the performance on tuesday..
hmmm have to go home alone after that..
which is lyk sooo sad lor late at night..
then the camp they organizing one activity to exchange Christmas present..
which i was looking forward to!
maybe somedays at class outing we should do this too..
since it is sooo near Christmas already..
after band went eat cheese fries with Shi Pei..
she is still laughing!
an act of bullying..
saw people at the hke there..
thinking of that, dunnoe Regin now doing what..
hahaha teaching kids..
later then call her see how liao.


Live your life Pictures, Images and Photos
today wake up early just to go for band..
but then walk until
today got so early de meh?
so i message Shi Pei..

in the end is true lor..
walao wasted my time for that..
i went soooo early lor!

at least i haven reach school la..
recieved Chee How message..
then now at home using computer..
Regin going work liao..
then i after that still have band..
going play audition..

sometimes i wonder..

Monday, November 2, 2009

the first day of holiday~

smile Pictures, Images and Photos
today wake up at 7.30am..
in order to go out later,i have to wake up to do house work..
so mop the floor first then after that after that the clothes.
after that went bath..
then here i am..
later on meeting Regin and Kenny to go pass up the option form then after that go meet Veron for the nyaa blooket.
after that go hke with Regin.
so now going play audition..
also no people what..
so play by myself..
one minute one second de fm (:
went shopping mall screen trough all the clothes..
nothing to post about today..
currently now toking to chee how and Regin..
then the chee how playing true or dare..
haha he must be soooo bored!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


sunday danm bored!
then Regin went to work for her the first day..
dunnoe how she doing liao..
best of luck ah gong!
still dunnoe what to choose for the subject thingy lei..
should i take history or geography lei..
then should take fn dnt or art lei..
aiyo still have 2 more days to think la..
so now playing audition (:
until next time !

i wishes for more.