Saturday, October 31, 2009


well a quote for Grenize.
saw your very very small de post..
have damn lot of fun with Joey and Regin..
first time go out with the both of them..
then left my things in her house..
yesterday also last day for 2E6..
gonna miss lots of them!
went to band today..
realise i have alot of things left in Regin's house..
then play with Hui Yu and Shi Pei..
so damn proud of her lor..
went home with Greta ..
now chatting with Chee How and Shi Pei..
sorry hor Chee How!

i wanted to be special to someone i love.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


today take marks lei ><
next time then post more(:
until next time !

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

at Regin's hse (:

today went ah gong house again (:
cause at home nothing to do then her house can talk plus play ><
haha she help me do the blogskin (:
thanks ah and your forever beautiful picture will be forever remember (:
today sch making day .
come her house see blogskin plus her *cough cough* ..
nowadays also go HKE see shuai ge ..
but then nowadays dun seems to have lei ..
today Regin ask me help her do the clay..
get to chat while playing..
play handman also (:
hahaha 2 more days to friday.
Regin have been yearning for this day (:

Regin Gwenice is here! (:

Let me post a beautiful picture of me first :D

I am here to help this ahsiao post.See luhh. Her blog is sosososo DEAD. She couldn't use her computer because her parents keep the cable, because her brother haven't take his exam. But keep all those tags coming in alright! (:

She has been coming over to my house almost e v e r y d a y! :D And going down to hke see handsome boys. Haha!

Last but not least, i have helped her change this blogskin, it seems a bit wierd but will edit the next time.

ohyah, must shun bian advertise my blog yi xia : click here!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

sucks .

today give out class photo..
dunnoe i look lyk that 1..
then let alot of people sign (:

suckers ..
today very angry .
i dun wan to stand beside a girl who is weak .
but thats too bad ..
thats me ..

luck luck for tomorrow chinese paper (:

Wednesday, October 7, 2009



today went to sch a little bit late..
but then get to play with mad mad de Farhana ..
early in the morning the feeling is tenser ..
but then it get worst ..
chinese lesson today damn fun (:
copy the ws from JieLun and Joey ..
haha they dun mind!
then discuss something alot of thing s with Sam and Joey ..
Sam was a little normal today ;D
then recess .
lyk usual went recess with Winni plus Farhana ..
today Fiona never come then i indeed feel weird ..
after recess assembly ..
then Miss Ang never come so the sot sot de teacher come ..
then started doing some table wraping caz exam coming ~
helped Sam and Chee How ..
they own me 1!
then Ingyin and Ah Gong helped me with the table too (:
Ah Gong today lyk very quiet .
then Ms Tan lesson ..
she forget today she hav lesson with us lei ..
woooooo ~
then tomorrow hav to face her for three period .
then art lesson ..
omg this lesson is damn interesting ..
come on la truth or dare ma (:
then Ingyin,Khan,Winni,MinKai,Farhana and Eric started playing first .
then after doing finiah my soup,join them ..
but then lyk already going to end sch liao .
so alot of people left ..
then left MinKai,Khan and me only .
but then continue playing ..
then after that slowly Ingyin,CJH,Chee How,Melvyn,Sam,Ingnatius,Yi Xiang,JiaWei joined in .
then me n Ingyin the only girl ma so got alot of disadvatages ..
lyk even though we very innocent lor..
hold hands act here act thr ah ..
all try liao ..
indeed it was fun (:
but then dunnoe next time will hav this kind of fun or not ..

we indeed tok (:
but why can't it progress further ?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009



today acknowledge Regin as my AH GONG (:
happy happy ~
went Regin hse with Joey .
Joey and me love Regin's house (:
then today play murderer with Regin Joey n Zimin they all..
while Ingyin play basketball .
today dunnoe wat happen to Ingyin ..
she dun tell every1 ..
even me .
maybe is me never her anything so she never tell me ba ..
but i can't help it ..
but i thought Ingyin was welling to share with me lor but she just sit there keep quiet ..
then she today also cry in class ..
dunnoe lei ..
i hate people who cry infront of me ..
Ingyin is so disapointing lor ..
went meet Mdm Peng ..
chatted with Greta and LiYing ..
then after that went find Joey n Ingyin .
aiya dun wan stay thr la so went Regin's hse with Joey .
dun care liao .

Monday, October 5, 2009


very desprate for a book to read .
early in the moring went to sch .
feel that that place sucks .
then today Mr Neo never come so went to take the princess diaries from Joey to read .
Ingyin was lyk beside me acting 'mad mad' ..
well its normal .
home econ have to type alot of shit thing ...
then some of them hav pratical .
fried rice and curry .
hmmmmmmm ><
science also no teacher come so we went class ourselves .
then Yoke Lin suggest to disscuse about the class outing thing ..
so He Feng , Muz , Sam they all was dicussing with the whole 2E6 ..
but then lyk we dicuss for 1 hrs also no ends ..
haha thats 2E6 ma!
then after sch we hav maths mock test .
was lyk memorising the stupid formula which dun seems to get inside my mind ..
well indeed .
whlie doing the paper, was lyk wondering if the real paper lyk this how?
wow .. FAIL .
dun feel lyk studying lei .

come on la its 2morrow that i got 2 think about .

Saturday, October 3, 2009

phtots .


looking back at this potos ..

memories .