Tuesday, June 30, 2009

second day of sch..


timetable change 2day
first period was art..
very sian de lor..
art lesson in the end go c ingyin doing the maths..
alot of boring lessons going on 2day..
aiya need eat already..
posting will stop 2day(:

message 4 the him(:
haven seen u 4 days..
whr r u?

Monday, June 29, 2009



my mum 2day kick my ass so that i will wake up..
rofl.. dun even noe y ned 2 wake up so early lor..
it feel so weird wearing the sch uniform..
bag is also getting heavier..
haven do finish my lit..

went 2 sch with Sharon n Boon Ling..
went in 2 sch tak tmperature..
seems lyk the H1N1 very the dangerous nowadays..
saw Ingyin N Joey 4 the first time of the week(:
still the same old Ingyin who everyday only dream about her bf
then joey still the sam old mojojojo..
the class all seems the same too..
mapling among the boys..
chatting among the girls..

2day no pe caz ms wong will not be coming 4 the next few weeks..
then after that literature..
heng the mr neo never tell us 2 write lines..
history next..
the same old ms tan..
get 2 eat alot of food again(:
saw the boy boy who call me hentai freak(:
chinese lesson next..
陈老师 is also very the normal..
but the lesson was stop becaz of the AYG thing..
the torch came in 2 our sch..
alot of people cam n c..
thought can find him...
after that english lesson..
then after that science..
still the very de cute Mrs wong..
after that sch ended
Ingyin,Joey,PengHow,Khan,Ryan n 1 more i dunnoe the name went 2 IMM..
came home chiong audi..
thx 2 Jolene the book was return(:

maybe i really give up
i will just wait 4 1 2 come
but maybe i cant even hav 1..

Saturday, June 27, 2009

2 days left..


but then this holiday also nothing fun 1..
maybe starting 2 miss sch a little tiny bit..

aiya still hav tones hav hw not done..
audition also haven lvl up
then haven train also..
maybe 2morrow play a little bit then after that do finish all my homework..
left only literuture n english essay..


maybe u r he 1 i miss the most..

Friday, June 26, 2009


i dunnoe y no difference 1 lor..

having band 2morrow..
can c my little junior n BIG BIG SENIOR again(:
will make sure that all my homework will be done when sch starts..

u r the 1 i really wan 2 c..
i dun wan 2 pretend..

Thursday, June 25, 2009



the first few days of the sch comfirm alot of scolding 1..
currently now writing the essay about the sec 2 camp thingy..
still hav his,chinese n literuture not done yet..
2day should go do homework with JY 1 but then he never bring laptop..
sad so not going anymore..
sry ah(:
play audi all the way(:

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

another post 4 2day(:

now posting about yesterday..

went 2 watch movie with XinHui,JiaYi n Kenny..
be4 that went 2 buy my bag n the things i wan..
feels so happy(:
after that went in 2 c the movie..
walao darm scary lor..
the sound effects..
me n jia yi was the only 1 who never watch the show be4..
XinHui n Kenny watch be4 already
but then Xin Hui was lyk also scared..
walao darm half way we run out of the cinema 2 go 2 the toilet..
dun dare 2 go in again lor..
but then we still went in..
it was better after that..
maybe watching again will still be fine..
i hope(:


well just going 2 post about the band camp thingy..

19th of June..
say bye bye 2 my lovely bed then walk 2 sch with my heavy bag..
was not 2 keen 2 go 2 this camp caz Jia Xin not going then maybe will be alone.
aiya already lyk giv the money alread cannot sunddenly not go right?
so went in 2 the sch with Yu Min then waited 4 the camp 2 start..
Linda was my camp buddy this time(:
after all the poeple had report,we start our first activity..
thought we was going 2 hav pt..
but even scarier then that..
we hav 2 lyk stand on a canteen table + a chair..
then we will hav 2 face the other side then when u just jump down,there will be section holding u n mattress will be laid..
but then still dun hav any confident or trust when cing all the poeple from different fail..
alot of my section people fall..
but then after Alan join in,we hav lesser fall..
until my turn i was hesitating but then in the end jump but then they never catch me..
they only catch my leg but then not my head..
it was still ok..
so continue the jump until all finish..
i think we went 4 sectional pratice after that
then we hav lunch..
lunch was great but then abit saity n oily.
sec 4 also join us(:
wow they was quite red after they went 2 sentosa..
ater lauch we went 2 the band room n watch the video make by the sec 4s..
darm funny..
my junior XinHui fall down..
she was damr funny when i first meet her(:
we hav some games after that..
it was quite slack..
becaz of our very good progress with 2day,
we went 2 bath early..
it was darm cool when we was all clean up!
went 2 hav dinner..
still the same comment 4 the auntie..
was going 2 hav 1 more chicken everyday thx 2 Li Ping..
i thought we was watching movie after that but then we had sectional instead..
sad sia..
sectional at night was pretty weird..
after that we hav some videos in the band room..
the video was about Alan when he was in ns..
it was quite scary lor..
the training n all the things..
after some toking,we went 2 wash up..
message a little bit after that went 2 sleep..
very hard 2 sleep at the first day caz was lyk the floor was hard..
turn n turn n turn but evebtually went 2 sleep after that..

20th of june..
wake up early in the morning..
realise every1 was lyk having dark eyes..
wash up after that went 2 report 4 pt..
that is the part i hate about camp.
after some basic exercise + running n shouting,it ended.
i thought it was quite easy..
but then i dun think they r happy with our progress rather then yesterday..
be4 wewent 4 breadfast,we went 2 change in2 our bandtee caz later we was having band pratice.
milo n bread..
Jason n Sze Hao was lyk eating the whole loaf of bread..
we hav our band pratice after that..
be4 that mr tang ask us about going 2 the chinese variety show he was performing..
he hav tiket n alot o people was lyk going..
after about an hour,we went 4 lunch!
we was given permission 2 go out n eat but then in section..
went 2 eat after that realise cek min cannot eat beansprout n xinhui dun eat green beans..
they both darm cute(:
after finishing the food,we went back 4 the syf pratice..
thought we was having sectional after that but then it was pass down that we was having otot..
we hav section meeting first..
ten after that play along with my junior n frens
Yi Hui,Jolene,XinHui,Cek Min,Shi Hui n some i just meet..
some1 was jealous as i was getting close 2 her(:
tok 2 Jolene n Yi Hui alot of things..
especially Jolene..
dunnoe y the otot extend 2 almost lyk 2 hours..
play play play..
but then dunnoe suddenly Alan was lyk shouting 2 the instrutors they all..
then our Section leader was lyk asking us 2 report 2 the basketball floyer..
the instrutors ask about our variebles..
i think some1 sold something ba..
then surprisingly we hav pt after that..
it was becaz of our bad shouting this morning..
then some basic exercie n alot of jumping jet it finally ended..
we play fisbee after that..
throwing here n there..
after that we went 2 bath..
totally clean up n smell darm nice!
after that dinner was serve..
i remember we hav sectional toking after that..
it was fun with all the toking with LiHui n games..
after that we went 2 sleep but then i put all my dirty clothes inside my bad then i sleep on it..
sleep well after that..

21th of June..
wake u in the morning so refresh!
after some washin up,we went 4 morning pt..
2day we was shouting darm loud n running was increase..
after the 3rounds we went 2 clean up..
then we hav section games after that..
we was ask 2 tangle our hand then we hav 2 un tangle ourselves so that we can form a circle..
it was soooo long until we was half way there..
but then just when 4 hands r left,we try alot of ways already but then still cant solve it so we give up..
then after that we pla y murderer..
walao darm funny lor i just wink at a police then the murderer wink at me n i am also a murderer..
then me n sze hao hav 2 do the banana dance..
i think we hav a break 4 about half an hour then after that we was ask 2 go 2 the band room..
we was divide in2 groups..
i was in group 4 with eiei they all..
but then suddenly i change with Jia Yi n become group 1..
walao that time was darm pai seh lor..
after that we was being ask 2 group ourselves on who wan 2 play captain ball or fribees..
realise that alot of poeple in my group wan 2 play fribee
jason was put into captain ball
but then they dun wan Jason 2 play captain ball so they tell us 2 choose 1 more poeple 2 go if not they will stop all the games..
i turn back n ask but dun seems 2 hav any1 wans 2 go so i just went n play..
captains ball..I HATE BALLS!
after that we play taboo..
then after that we hav lunch..
but be4 thay there was some scolding going on..
Eat with my junior they all..
was scold by sam they all too..
but then still get 2 enjoy our lunch..
after that we continue the game
but then after some time of playing we went outside 4 our games..
it was raining..
i thought there will be no games already but then we went up 2 the hall..
captains ball was still carry on..
walao on that time feel lyk shiting..
was playing with group 2 but then i think it is still fun
but we was losing..
no bad sia the team..
was having fun with XinHui..
after that we battle with group 3..
walao even worst lor..
with Kenny inside..
then we combine with group 4 then group 2 with group3..
it was fun watching them play..
then it was our turn 2 play..
darm fun lor but be4 sze hao hit my spects..
after that we was give a choice on whether we wan 2 hav our dinner first or shower first
so we went 2 eat first..
it was darm fun but some1 was darm queit 2day..
i heard that when me n LI Ping was buying bubbletea,
Sze Hao accidently spill the chili on Si Pei shirts..
every1 was lyk continue eating..
call home..
after some time we went back i was lyk having fun so i throw my bottle inside the gate..
Li Ying was lyk scolding me lor..
darm queit lor..
realise that every1 went 2 bath firts then went out 2 eat..
but then we was wrong..
first high n percassion came back after we bath finish..
after that went 2 play with Xin Hui but then the octave dunnoe go whr..
went 2 hear some story from Li ying they all..
send some songs 2 Jia Yi..
after that we went in2 the band room 4 movie..
but then the movie seems lame 2 me..
fiddle on the roof..
waited 4 the octave poeple
then after they came back we start the movie..
so sian..
went 2 the octave there..
after about some time people bring sleeping bags in..
but then after some time we can chose 2 go 2 sleep or stay here..
so i choose 2 stay so went back 2 take my sleeping bags then continue 2 watch the movie..
then half way play with jia yi they all..
watch watch watch..
was lyk deciding 2 go 2 sleep already but then suddenly the movie ended...
after that went sleep..
wow 1 more bag of clothes n its just lyk m pillow..

22th of june
but then we hav 2 clean up early in the morning..
tables was being move
then bags was pack too
after that went back 2 the band room put our bag down then went 2 clean up the place we use..
second high hav 2 clean the toiet..
darm funny lor search 4 mops..
then we also need 2 clean up the classroom..
after that went 2 the band room 2 wait 4 the water 2 boil..
so longggg sia..
finally get 2 eat!
eat bread 4 the first time..
after that clean up the canteen...
went back 2 the band room then toktok tok tok..
but then was not going 2 mac caz feel lyk shiting..
went home with some frens by bus..
first thing i did was shit..
after that touch the com..

but then was lyk started 2 miss camp..
was it u that i reallywan?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Thursday, June 18, 2009

last post 4 this week..


will be going 4 band camp 2morrow..
still hav alot of homework not done yet..
holiday really sux this time
people pls tagged 2 keep this blog alive(:
c u on moday(:

will miss u all XD

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


early in the morning get a phone call from Li Ying...
no wonder i never get their phone call yesterday..
my phone was not put porperly then in the end i never heard them call..
2 early 2 go out n 2day also need 2 do homework with Farhana
so say i not going already..
sry ah..
at about 12 something,went 2 lakeside MRT 2 meet Farhana..
went 2 take Mrt then reach the Library..
was looking 4 a table there but then cannot find 1..
so went 2 sit on the floor instead..
walk past that table..
there is so many mermory there..
started 2 do homework while smsing..
do maths then chinese..
then do 4 about 3 hours then went 2 jurong point.
c the slim bag only $29!
wanted 2 buy but then not 2 sure about it..
so just went 2 walk around here n there
after that went 2 eat..
i always eat the same thing there..
if u r there with me..
then after that went 2 buy something..
went home after that..
just hope that u r just sitting beside me but then i just dunnoe who..

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


went 4 harmonica in the morning..
it was this alarm that wake me up..
"All this time i was wastin,hoping u would come around.."
after that walk 2 sch with my earpiece in my ear..
then after that reach the sch start taking temperture after that start praticing with Cek Min..
she darm cute(:
after that break went out with Everlyn n Yumin..
3more days 2 camp..
went back 2 pratice..
the camp briefing darm funny lor..
"how can we wear a underwear 4 4 days?"
still hav the JiaYi's pants..
after that went home..
i realise something..
i keep on looking at that persons..
also scared 2 c another person..

Monday, June 15, 2009


was playing audi all day long..
2day meet this bastard.
wat i hate the most..
come on la just admit can?
haven even finish my homework..
who care.
auditing in progress(:

Sunday, June 14, 2009

change new blogskin 2day..

holiday still sux without having frens arond..
posting 4 now..
yesterday went 4 harmonica then they say got section outing..
dun seems 2 fit in
no toking much too
i dun feel any"wow i am going 2 enjoy it"..
alot of days never c him already..
my holiday homework..
there r no fingerprint on it,just a white piece of paper..
dun really wat 2 do with it..
had been playing audition nowadays..
maybe will really start doing homework 2morrow..
saw Jolene this afternoon..
it sucks having u around..

Thursday, June 11, 2009

night at the museum

went 2 watch movie 2 day..
at first play audi the whole morning
was lyk finding joey 2 go out
but then was told by ingyin that she was ban from going out..
darm sad..
then went with jia yi
kenny was suppose 2 go but then he say he was having some 'emotional problem'
went 2 watch night at the museum
dun wan 2 be up dated at home..
it was quite ok..
went home after some walking..
will post more 2morrow(:

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


wanted 2 post 2day..
but then also nothing 2 post..
change blog skin 2day(:
2morrow will be going 2 winni's hse 2 do the pw thingy..
then after that maybe wan go watch movie with jia yi they all..
maybe joey will be going too..
if she wan..
will post everything that happen 2morrow if i hav the time..
signing off(:

Sunday, June 7, 2009



haven even went out 4 1 day..
all of them lyk the whole holiday all pack with leadership thing..
i haven even finish my homework..
2morrow will be going 4 the ICT thing..
then maybe 2morrow then start 2 do homework..
it sux when we hav 2 wait..
will post 2morrow..
gtg BYE(:

Thursday, June 4, 2009


days r passing 1 day by 1 day n i am not doing anything..
all of them is lyk cannot go out or they hav something on..

just lay on the floor watch television..
play some game in the com..
then after that i was thinking should go out with some frens..
but then when i ask them they all lyk cannot or they hav something on..
then ask them about the PW thingy
Ingyin cannot go i think is becaz she last time go out with PH then kana scolded by her mum..
then she cannot come out..
then joey is lyk the whole week pack lor..
so the date left is only THURSDAY-.-
walao only do project only already so difficult..
they lyk dun care lyk that..
that means wanted 2 go out with somebody also cannot..
come on la

Wednesday, June 3, 2009



walk 2 sch with BoonLing 2day..
started the lessons with pyramids..
cut n paste..
noticed that Ms Chan very pretty(;
show us some mr bean movies then she started teaching us..
after that break..
eat with ingyin farhana winni fiona they all
after about some time,went back 2 class..
sited with farhana
now it was Mr Eric Lee teaching..
spheres lesson..
he was showing us some vidoes..
that person was darm funny..
aiya then he teach teach teach..
we learn learn learn..
the lesson ended..
posting is boring
stopping here..

Tuesday, June 2, 2009



wake up 7o'clock in the morning..
eat the eggs then after my bro left,say bye 2 my bro,set out 2 buy some tibits..
walk half way saw Khan at the road..
tok 2 him on the way 2 sch
his holiday was lyk DARM~ SCRAY..
promise him not 2 tell any1(:
after that reach sch c ingyin no there
so went 2 tok 2 Joey a while then after that went 2 play with Farhana n Fiona
they was lyk darm funny(:
after that went 2 the toilet with Farhana 2 wash my eyes
went back 2 classroom..
after that both of then was lyk snatching 1 table so i join in 2..
some time later,Ingyin came(:
so say bye bye 2 them then went 2 tok 2 her
asking some question..
not long after that Mrs Poh came in..
after that started some teaching of triangle...
some nice video too
after about some hours later,went 4 break
eat eat eat then went 2 Miss Zheng lessons
teach about some cone thingy
after some hours later
it ended!
went 2 slack in Mac..
tok with Joey Ingyin they all
then c Muzz they all play
after that went home..
man.. 2day is a lame lame day..
will post more 2morrow

no matter wat i do,u will never understand
caz i am starting 2 think the opposite i always say
it sux waiting 4 u..
it is hard getting through 2 u.