Sunday, May 31, 2009

posting more in progress..

1. Beside having bf/gf,what state you will get with the person that you love?
All my frens(:
2.How do you feel when a person ask you for stead?
think about it first.. c whether u lyk that person or else nothing 2 say..
3.Who was the last person who you took picture with?
i dunnoe alot of them?
4.Would you consider to be a flirter?
how i noe wat people think of me? but myself well..maybe sometimes..
5.Would you ever donate blood?
yeah maybe but if i hav the courage..
6.Do you have a good friend of an opposite sex?
yeah.. THEY ROX!
7.Are you falling in love with someone??
well.. maybe(:
8.Who is the last person that you message with now?
currently dun hav a phone.. i think i use my phone sms joey..
9.What are you thinking of right now?
nothing much..
10.Did you wish someone was with you right now ?
yeah.. some1 but i dunnoe who that person is..
11.When did you go to sleep last night?
12 plus..
12.Where did you buy that T-shirt that you are wearing now?
L.P Zone
13.Is someone in your mind right now?
some1? maybe him..
14.Who was the last person that texted you?
currently dun hav a hp so maybe joey?
15. Tag 15 people to do this quiz.
4.Yi Ting
6.Boon Ling
8.Jia Yi
9.Chee How
11.Jie Lun
13.Yi Hui
15.Jia Xin
16.Who is your BEST FRIEND?
alot of them r..
17.When did you last cry?
CRY? i dun even remember when..
18.If let you choose,you wann best fren or Gf?
wow.. this question make me fall out with my fren.. i can only say depends..
19.What you think about sam right now?
???? he is fighting hard..
20. What thing that make you regret?
well.. i hav regret alot of things be4..
21.What you like to do when you are free?
play com or just lie on the floor watching tv..
22.Do you still rmb your Best fren in PS?
ya.. yi ting,jia tong,boon ling they all lor..
23.Who will you find when you are in dangerous/need help?
my parents my frens?
24.Who do you think that is perfect in your life?
lyk wat they say.."Nobody is perfect in the world"
25.Who are the person that you will never regret to know?
every1 that 1 noe..
26.Who make you laugh the last time?
my frens lor..
27.When your birthday coming,who you wish to celebrate wiv?
all the frens that i really wanted them 2 come..
28.Who you can talk to?
i dunnoe..
29.Who are the person that can make you lose control in front of him/her?
my frens?
30.Name out Your Best fren name in ur sec sch..
-Boon Ling
i wan cut short.. i hav alot of them...


no use scolding poeple..
its ur own fault
come on la
level position:46/152
class position:8/39
walao loss 2 him...
so dissapointed lor..
my dream of my first phone..
btw thats the phone i wan..
look at it some more make me wan 2 sry..
but by looking at it,it make me feel i hav 2 work more harder 2 get it..

Friday, May 29, 2009


DAY 1:
say bye 2 my family..
walk 2 sch early in the morning with boon ling n sharon..
the road was lyk darm silet
but after coming near our sch,it started 2 come 2 life(:
went 2 assemble..
after that take temperature then wait 4 a while..
c got any1 still coming
after that we went 2 board the bus..
sit with winni while joey sit with ingyin behind us
ingyin was crying as she never got 2 c peng how..
srying a little but was ok after that..
take some photo in the bus..

after about 45 mins plus we reach the habour
went pass the sea was darm shock..
went in 2 the checkpoint then winni went 2 buy battery
check in then after that went 2 sit down
after that waited then we finally board the boat(:
its sacry at first becaz it wobling when we started walking 2 the boat there
then inside too..
but the sign dun panic tell us not too(:
ingyin was smsing but the line soon die caz we was going 2 reach indonesia..
then she sad sad again..
goes well at first but then started 2 get a little bit dizzy..
after that thx 2 joey song,started 2 sleep..
then was waken by joey they all then we started 2 eat..
that guy who joey tell us had tok 2 them while going 2 the toilet is smiling at joey..
his picture is down there(:
take alot of picture too^^

after waiting about 1h plus,
take our temperture then came out..
the crew there was helping us get down
then joey tell me the guy that smile at her hold her hand darm TIGHT~
i was lyk thinking **********
after that check in again then we step in2 the island..
darm nice..
water n houses..
lyk kampong..
teacher was collecting passport..
went 2 take some picture while waiting..
after that the instrutor from LOLA came 2 pick us up..
me n winni was standing infront then he c winni carry the very heavy he help(:
after that he bring us 2 the bus
then we put our bags in a van then we went n board the bus..
teacher say was 1 h plus so must be comfortable..
while the bus was riding,it was quite bumby
we hav fun inside the bus
he feng was lyk toking alot of things with us while some of them sleep..
we even say about the show then suddenly he created
the outside was very different too..
take some picture(:

after about 1 h,the end of the bumby ride..
we was so shock when we the tents..
but it was 4 the boys..
every1 was lyk so dissapointed..
evry1 was lyk sayong
the first thing we do was put our bags somewhere then we started eating first..
it was fish n rice!
throw away half of it caz cannot finish..
take some photo there too..
after that we was spint in2 groups..
i was with winni but then joey n ingyin was in anohter group..
weird weird 1 lor..
then we started our first activities..
we was group A n our first activity in hiking n boat netting..
ingyin they all went kyking..
after waiting 4 every1,we started our activity
board the bus..
it was very rocky there too..
the soil all red red 1 lor..
after we reach the mountain
me wei feng,boon ling n winni plus some of them was walking in a group..
walao darm tired n scared while climbing there lor..
scared caz hope dun drop down..
but in the end every1 make it exerpt 4 faruq(caz of some reason but he climb well)
after that we rest up the hill..
going 2 climb down again..
the instrutor there say the 1 who climb fist walk behind then the climb behind 1 come infront..
so,went infront..
it was a bumby ride..
sliding down seems 2 be easiler
but then alot of people fall down including me..
after about 30 mins plus,
we was darm tired..
after that i thought go back already lor..
we hav 2 jump down 2 a net
we first need a speed boat 2 carry 7 people by 7 poeple there
after every1 was ready the people there move the boat then they started the demo..
it was nice when he jump down fron the 3rd flooor...
after that 1 by 1 we jump down..
i jump until 2nd floor i dun dare already so waited n watch n also help..
took picture of that place..
after alot od the people hav fun,we went back..
went 2 find ingyin they all then ask them about the activity..
went 2 bath after that
feel so refresh after that..
after that joey tell us where they all sleep then we follow 2 but then seems clump up there,
so we went 2 sleep with farhana n fiona..
it was darm nice while staying in our dorm..
after that went 2 eat
fish again.........
after some toking we hav some free time until 11pm singapore time 10pm bintan time..
we went 2 watch the stars then call our class 2 play..
it was fun at first but then it started 2 falling out..
started 2 play ghost too..
put down my hair then shown the touch light on my face then went on the swing too..
every1 was lyk very scaerd..
after zi min scolding,we stop
was so sorry...
after some time went 2 sleep..
alot of noise was make when the time was up..
so me ,winni n farhana went 2 complain..
the noise stop..
went 2 sleep after every1 was asleep..
hav a long long day 2morrow.......
about 5 or 6 something,was awaken by alot of noise
alot of poeple was already outide watching the sun rise..
went outside too
bursh teeth teeth first then after that 2gether with all my frens went out 2 c the sun rise..
1 group was already out in the mud walking 2 the island..
when the sun come up, it was darm nice...
after that went 2 take some picture inside the room..
after breadfast,when 4 our activity...
over the swing there..
then boys try first after that we just stand there n watch..
take some photos of them..
but there suddenly the teacher there tell us
we r going 2 do the rock climbing but girls first..
so we went 2 the rock climbing there..
this is the first time so i was a little bit scared..
but then after cing poeple 1 by 1 climb, its me n winni turn..
i started first..
but after climbing 4 a moment, it was quite easy..
come down first..
it was quite fun(:
take some photos..
after that we went 2 climb the coconut tree there..
saw the boys climbing..
i went first as we was bring 2 another tree...
it was very diifcult..
n very dirty too
it was very diffcullt 2 c where the hole was..
so, went up half way then come down..
alot of people went up some was able 2 reach the coconut so the coconut was theirs..
winni was also given 1 n it taste nice(:
picures down there..

after that went 2 sit at the small house over the sea there..
it was quite nice cing the sea..
was thinking of something when they took my photo..
also c how other group conduct their activities
was started 2 get tired of there so went 2 throw stones in2 the sea..
while they was doing it,i went 2 build a sandcastle..
it was quite funny
took photos of it n some nice photo of the sea too..
after that we went 4 the flying fox..
it was above the rock cimbing thingy..
it was scary cing them come down..
but then i try too
i was lyk the last 4..
it was lyk going 2 rain..
climbing up was also scary..
after wei feng jump down, it was my turn..
while i was up there,there ask me how am i feeling
i was lyk saying (DARM SCARY...)
so i went 2 tell them 2 push me down..
there it went..
it was darm fun going down..
after waiting 4 the other 2 2 come down,went back..
saw ingyin they all
they eating their lunch..
after that went 2 hav a bath
but then raining so ingyinwent n took a umbrella..
joey no shoe so i went 2 take it from ingyin while i came back again borrowing ingyin umbrella..
i was lyk shoking wet....
after that when we reach the toilet,some1 lend umbrella from us..
i lend 2 her but then went i went back 2 take it it was not there..
so went 2 bath first be4 finding it..
after we all bath finiah,we went 2 find the umbrella but nothing..
some time later,1 person went 2 return it..
after that went 4 group dicussion..
dun1 2 go caz all 2E7 1 then dun fit in..
went 2 walk then sit near joey they all de group..
so nice n copporative..
went 2 take a look at our group but then dun understand wat they doing so went back again..
after much waiting,we went 2 eat..
its nice(:
after that we play with the touch light..
it was darm fun..
then finally camp fire start..
after that went 2 perform then look at the performance..
after cing finish ingyin they all perform,me n fiona went 2 the toilet..
but be4 us was regin ingyin they whole group of them..
but then after coming back,scary things started happening there..
alot of them was crying..
ingyin,claudia,zi qing,regin...
it was surpursing wat they hav seen..
ingyin was lyk cing it alot of time..
man wat hav i done?
i was lyk playing ghost yesterday...
after camp fire finish,we took our temperature
then tok about 2morrow,
farhana was also started 2 c things there..
we went back 2 our room
we all decide 2 sleep upstairs 2gether..
but then fiona was lyk dun wan so i went 2 sleep with her..
help zi min they all pack their stuff then went 2 put it down below..
we went 2 sleep after that..
not much noise 2day..
but then upstairs was making alot of noise..
after some time rolling around,regin,ingyin n joey suddenlt came down..
i ask them where they was going
they was going 2 the toilet so i follow them with my touch light..
it was quite scary..
but then went out ok..
went back 2 sleep
but no matter wat i just cant sleep
after a few mins of rolling again,regin they all came down again..
i ask them wat happen then they tell me they heard muzz
went out with ingyin but then no 1..
after that regin n joey join us we went 2 the voice but then it was 2 dark 2 c who it was..
but then regin was sure it was muzz voice..
no matter how loud we call out,we still cant figure out who it was
the boys was lyk shouting 4 the teacher so we went back..
still cant sleep so i went 2 sleep with joey they all..
tok about alot of things
then ingyin sleep first follow by regin
then after that went joey also stop toking,i went 2 sleep too..
it was darm early lyk 4 plus or 5 plus
i get up n it was still dark outside but then it seems lyk somepeople hav already wake up..
went 2 wake people up then brush teeth..
darm tired..
put out chairs outside then waited 4 the sun..
toking was going on
n muzz was using the guitar..
the sun finally came up then we wet 2 eat our breadfast..
after taking our temperture,
we started 2 clean the area then finally the first bus came then we waited 4 our turn..
after that was playing with ingyin sunglasses
she was darm funny..
after that our bus came..
n there we go on our way 2 a sch..
alot of people was sleeping..
after some time we reach the sch..
the children there was quite cute(:
2E6 was asign 2 play volleyball with them so some of us went 2 play volleyball
while part of us went 2 tok with the children there..
toking was no good 4 us as they do not really noe english..
suddenly wanted 2 shit..
stomach very pain..
went 2 eat their food there was good!
then after some time of waiting,we r going 2 board the boat.
took some photos
the went off after that..
waited 4 the bus then sleep..
joey suddenly drop out lor..
scared us..
reach the habour then after some time check in
try 2 go the toilet there by then i cant..
after some time went 2 borad the ships it was quite big better then the first 1..
waited 4 some time then WOOO~
we r moving!
the ship keep p moving lor..
getting seasick..
but then tahan all the way~
then mr chin suddenly tell us got 1 comfirm case of h1n1 flu..
after that check in..
went 2 borad the bus 2 singapore..
i do enjoy the camp..
the sea there..
i am missing it..
walao i post alot lor..
placing a foolstop here..